Preference: Fight (Part 2)

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Ashton: You stood outside the house you formerly shared with Ashton, a week after you had walked out after the fight you'd had. You had a pair of the same drumsticks you'd broken, a piece of ribbon around them, hoping to give them to Ashton as a peace offering. Your heart had been broken after the fight, but you knew deep down that you had to go back to him. After all you'd been through together you couldn't let one fight ruin everything you had with him. You knocked on the door, your heart pounding as you waited for Ashton to answer the door. "Yes?" The door swung open, Ashton standing frozen in his spot as he saw you standing there. "Y/N? What are you doing here?" he asked you. "I just came to bring you these," you handed over the drumsticks, the nerves beginning to get the better of you, "And to apologise. I'm sorry for breaking your drumsticks. It was an accident and I feel bad that it escalated to the extent that it did." "Thanks," he uttered, staring at the drumsticks. You were waiting for him to say something more, invite you in or say he was also sorry. After about thirty seconds you were beginning to believe that he was not going to say anything. "Well.. bye Ashton," You turned around, headed for your car. "Y/N wait," he pulled on your arm, bringing you close to him. "I'm sorry. I shouldn't have overreacted the way I did last week. I feel terrible and I've missed you." "I've missed you too," you told him. "Thanks for the drumsticks, you didn't have to do this," he said. "Yes I did, me breaking the drumsticks was the reason for the fight, I owe you that much." He smiled, kissing me softly. "You don't owe me anything. But I appreciate the gesture. I love you, and I know you know everything about me, and I love that you do." "I love you too Ashton."

Michael: 'Y/N please pick up the phone. Everyone's worried about you and I know it's all my fault but please answer me. I don't care where you are I'll come and pick you up. I'm really sorry, please tell me where you are, please come home'. You read Michael's text as you sat in your car in the empty car park of the local shopping centre. You had no intention of replying, all you wanted to do was get as far away from him as possible. You began to hear voices around you and your heart rate increased as you saw some large figures in the distance. Your breathing got shaky as the random men began to come towards you, having stumbled out of the nearby pub. You tried to start your car but your hands were shaking so much you couldn't put the key in the ignition. "Hello darling." "Ooh all alone." "We can have some fun," they started to talk. You grabbed out your phone only to have it die on you as soon as you picked it up. Of fucking course. Right now, despite everything that had gone on, all you wanted was Michael. It frustrated you, but you knew it was true. Little did you know, Michael was only a minute away from the shopping centre, having tracked your phone. As soon as he pulled into the car park he spotted your car and some idiots around it. He sped towards you and got out immediately. "HEY!" Your head whipped around as you heard the voice you had longed to hear for the least couple of minutes. Tears were running down your face as Michael came into sight, pushing the guys away, shouting in their faces. He ended up punching one of the guys in the face, the others taking their injured friend along with them as they ran off. You got out of your car and ran into Michael's arms, still crying after the frightening ordeal. "Easy love, I've got you, no one's going to hurt you," he whispered in your ear. "How did you know where I was?" you asked him. "I tracked your phone, which I know sounds really creepy and like I'm a stalker but I love you and just needed to know where you were and-" You cut him off by kissing him, throwing your arms around his neck. "I'm sorry for everything I said," he whispered against your lips. "Take me home," you said. He smiled, taking you over to his car.

Calum: You were sat on the floor of your bathroom, sobbing into your hands, trying hard not to make any sounds. "Y/N?" Calum's voice echoed through the door. "Baby can I please come in? I want to talk about this," he said, your body shaking. "Y/N please let me in." You dragged your body up off the floor and stood up. Glancing at yourself in the mirror you shied away. You splashed your face with some water and gave yourself a minute to calm down before opening the door. "Y/N," Calum immediately crushed you into a hug. You pushed him away from you, his words still burning through your brain. For him to say that he couldn't trust you, that you weren't trustworthy, really hurt you. You trusted Calum with everything, every single secret, but now you were questioning everything. "Do you really not trust me?" you wondered, Calum staring at the ground. "I do trust you, but some things... some things are confidential." "Like what? What could be so confidential that you can't tell me, your girlfriend?" you snapped at him. He didn't respond. "You know it's not the not telling me everything that hurts me as much as the fact that you honestly think I would cheat on you." "I know it was stupid to think that, but I get nervous that you'll find someone else and any sort of confirmation that you found someone else scares the hell out of me. I panicked. I'm sorry." "Just give me some time," you said, grabbing a bag and heading for your friend's house. A few days later you returned home to Calum who welcomed you with open arms. Even though you couldn't forget what he said, all was forgiven.

Luke: "Y/N?" your friend that you had been staying with for the last two weeks came and knocked on the door of the spare room that you were staying in. "Yes?" you replied, looking up from the magazine you were reading, engrossed in the story. "Luke's downstairs in the lounge room, he's asking for you," she said. You leant your head back until it hit your pillow. "Why?" you groaned. "Why do you think? I told you he was probably going to come here." "Fine," you rolled your eyes. You ducked into the bathroom to make sure you looked decent, like you hadn't been moping around the house and thinking about him for two weeks. You went downstairs and your eyes widened as you laid eyes on your ex-boyfriend. If your friend hadn't told you it was Luke, you almost wouldn't have recognised him. His hair was a mess, there were bags under his eyes, the colour had drained from his face and he was shaking. You had never seen him like this before and it was scaring you slightly. What happened to him? As he looked into your eyes your heart skipped a beat, you had missed that feeling. "Hi," he uttered, standing up off the couch. "Hi," you replied, sitting down across from him on another chair. "How have you been?" he asked you, flicking his eyes between his hands and you. "I've been alright, you?" "Umm I've been better," he said. "I just wanted to come over and tell you I'm sorry. You didn't deserve all the shit I was giving you and.. I think I take you for granted sometimes and I didn't realise that until you weren't there any more. On tour it was different because I knew I couldn't see you, but we still talked all the time, you were always there to talk to when things got hard for me on the road. But now going home to an empty house is so frustrating because I know that I'm the reason you left. I get so lonely now without you there and.. I've been thinking a lot and trying to get back to my old self. So I was hoping, maybe, you could come home? Or at least we could talk about this more?" he looked at you with hopeful eyes, his lips trembling. The sight broke your heart. "I just don't want to fight with you Luke. You are the only man I've ever loved and I felt like you didn't care." "I do care," he assured me. "I don't want to fight any more either. I do love you, and I know I'm a shit boyfriend sometimes but you have to know how sorry I am, I just want you to come back home. I got home from tour and I expected you to do everything and that was wrong of me, I shouldn't have lost it at you for any reason. I'm sorry for all of that, but I know I can make this better," he said desperately. "You just did," you told him with a smile. He let out a deep breath and got up from his seat coming over to you, pulling you up off the couch and hugging you tight. "I love you," he whispered in your ear. "I love you too."

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