Preference: Fight (Part 1)

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Ashton: "Ashton I'm sorry alright! I've said sorry like a hundred times! Why can't you let it go?!" "Because it doesn't work like that Y/N! You broke my favourite drum sticks! Do you not understand how big of a deal this is for me?!" "I know how much you love drumming Ashton but it would be nice if you realised that they're just wooden sticks!" "Just wooden sticks? Are you fucking kidding me?!! You don't know anything about me bitch!" "Really? You think I know nothing about you?" you stared him down. "I know that even though you're supposed to be eating healthy, you hate salads and eat pizza more often than salad, I know that you've fallen more in love with song-writing since you met me, I know that you were incredibly nervous to ask me out, I know that I supposedly make you happy, that you love my cooking and that you cry sometimes when you look at photos of us..." His face was covered in guilt and annoyance. "And I know that I have to leave." He raised his head to look at you. "What?" "I have to leave," you repeated, heading upstairs. When you came downstairs with your bags, he was still frozen in the same spot he'd been before. He refused to look at you as you walked out the door, not saying a word.

Michael: You and Michael often fought over the stupidest of things, but most times it was over after a few minutes and then you'd cuddle and it would all be over. But this was different. He was had been out until all hours of the morning for the past two weeks, and he'd been home from tour from two weeks, seemingly rejecting you and refusing to spend any time with you which hurt your feelings, making you both suspicious and upset. "I feel like you don't even love me anymore!!" you shouted at him. "Well maybe I don't!" Your eyes widened, lips slightly parting at his words. "You... you don't love me anymore?" Suddenly it was no longer anger flowing through your veins, it was hurt, pain, sadness. "Michael answer me," you ordered him. "I'm not having this discussion now," he muttered, beginning to walk towards the kitchen. "Michael Clifford I swear, if you don't give me an answer as to why you've been avoiding me, and if you love me or not, I will walk out that fucking door!!" you screamed. "Then walk! Maybe if you leave I can finally get some peace!! I won't be stuck with a clingy, obsessive bitch anymore!!" Your jaw clenched, fists balled up by your sides. You grabbed your purse off of the coffee table and rushed out of the house, driving off in your car.

Calum: "WAKE UP!" You shot up in bed as you heard a massive shout next to you, coming from your boyfriend Calum. "What's up?" you asked him, sitting up in bed. "Are you really fucking asking me that?!" he screamed. "Umm yeah I am, what's going on babe?" you looked at him, confused by his sudden outburst. "YOU! You're what's going on!! WHY ARE YOU CHEATING ON ME?!?!" Your eyes widened, alarmed. "What the fuck are you talking about?" you asked. He threw his phone at you, photos of you with some random guy had been circulating around Twitter for a few hours now and everyone was going crazy, saying that you were cheating on Calum. "Cal I don't know why or how you could possibly think I was cheating on you, but I'm not. I don't even know that guy! It must have been photoshopped or something!" "BULLSHIT!" he hollered, the veins in his neck sticking out as he shouted in your face, your heart going a million miles an hour. "Why don't you believe me?" you asked him, blinking back tears. "You're not exactly the most trustworthy person Y/N. I don't trust you with a lot of things." Hearing that broke your heart even more. You picked your shaky body up off the bed and went into the bathroom, locking the door, trying to escape your boyfriend and his wicked words.

Luke: "Would you just shut up!!!" you screamed at you boyfriend. "Don't yell at me!" Luke shouted back at you. "Just because I forgot to make dinner, doesn't mean you have to yell at me about it!" you shout at him, throwing a plate across the room. "I have been working my ass off for the last two weeks while you have sat here and done nothing! You could at least make me something to eat so that when I come home I can eat and go to bed!" "And not spend any time with me!" you finish for him. "Well right now I don't want to spent any time with you! All you do is annoy me and piss me off!" he exclaimed, rolling his eyes at you. "I feel the same way about you!!" you told him. There was a silence for a minute, both of you processing what had just been said. "Have you noticed that we've been fighting a lot since you got home?" you spoke quietly, nervous for his reaction. "Yeah I have," he nodded. "Maybe I should go then," you grabbed your bag and keys that were on the table. "You're just going to leave?" Luke questioned. You looked at him, your heart breaking. "I was in love with you Luke, but since you got home you've made it easy for me to fall out of love with you. The way you've been treating me recently, never paying attention with me, never spending time with me, getting so angry with me all the time.. this isn't the Luke I fell in love with. If you find him again, call me." You walked out the door and drove to your friend's house, feeling a sense of relief as you drove away from Luke. 

5SOS Imagines/PreferencesOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora