Preference: "Time-Bomb" All Time Low

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If I had to pull you out of the wreckage, you know I’m never gonna let you go 

*His POV* 

I shook myself out of my dazed state, finding the energy to open my eyes. I was in the car, trapped and my head was pounding. The car that my girlfriend Y/N and I were in had rolled off the road after being hit by a truck and now we were in a ditch. 

“Y/N?” I called out quietly. When I got no response my heart started beating rapidly. “Y/N? Y/N?!” 

I managed to wrestle the seatbelt away from me and I found my girlfriend in the passenger seat, blood pouring down the side of her head, her eyes closed. 

“Y/N please say something,” I pleaded, grabbing her bloody hand in mine. “Help!!” I shouted out. 

“We’re coming!!” a strange voice shouted back. Next thing I knew there were a few people by my window. They managed to get me out of the car and the first thing I did was thank them before rushing over to Y/N’s side of the car. 

The adrenalin pumping through my veins gave me the unknown strength to smash the glass of the window and wrench the door off it’s hinges. 

“Y/N?” I knelt by her side and tried to unclip her seatbelt. I took a knife off of someone and cut it off of her, ignoring the glass shards in the skin of my arms. I gently pulled her out of the car wreckage, laying her down on the blocked off road, refusing to let go of her even though the ambulance men wanted to check her over. I held her close to me, praying that she’d wake up and be ok. 

“Y/N please wake up,” I whispered to her. The ambulance men huddled around her, trying to get her to wake up and see what her injuries were. “I love you,” I said as I clung to her. “Is she going to live?” I asked the paramedics. 

“It’s not looking good sir,” they told me. Tears filled my eyes instantly. They spilt over as I glanced at my dying girlfriend. I shifted so her head was laying in my lap as I knelt on the ground. 

“You have to live Y/N. You can’t leave me,” I wailed in desperation. “Y/N please,” I clung to her for dear life, wanting to see her open her eyes just one more time, just one more chance to kiss her and tell her I love her and have her say it back. 

“Luke?” I heard a faint voice. I was staring at her face but nothing more came out. “Luke...” her lips moved again. I let out a sob of joy, cradling her closer to me. 

“Y/N it’s me, you’re ok love, I’ve got you,” I assured her, caressing her cheek. 

“I... I’m tired,” she uttered. 

“I know you are love. Just open your eyes for me. Please,” I begged her. 

A few seconds later her eyes fluttered open, the colour still sparkling. 

“I love you,” I told her. 

“I love you too,” she mumbled helplessly, squeezing my hand loosely. 

“I was going to do something at our date tonight, but that’s not going to happen so,” I wiped the tears off my eyes and dug the small box out of my pocket. “I’d get on one knee but I’m not letting go of you,” I said making her chuckle softly. “But Y/N... I love you so much and you are my whole world, I’d go to the ends of the earth and back to make sure you were happy. And I want to spend the rest of my life with you. So... will you marry me?” 

Tears glistened in her eyes as I asked her. 

“Y-...” she was cut off by her own sharp breath. 

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