Preference: You find out his management is the reason you're together - Part 2

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Ashton: You had spent the entire day and night rugged up on the couch, crying and watching sappy movies with your best friend. You had called her as soon as you knew Ashton had left and when the camera crew and producers wouldn't leave you called your manager Kris Jenner, and she was at your Calabasas home in an instant, kicking the crew out and comforting you before she left, leaving you and your best friend alone. The two of you were camped out in the theatre room with chocolate, lollies, cookie dough and fish and chips, and she was letting you bitch about Ashton all you needed to. In the middle of the night the two of you were woken up by someone banging on the door. You were freaked out so your best friend went and answered the door, but when she came back she looked very unimpressed. "Ashton's here," she told you. You rolled your eyes, storming out of the room "What are you doing here in the middle of the night?" you asked Ashton as you walked towards him. "I wanted to talk to you, and I didn't want to do this with cameras around," he said. He lifted up his shirt and showed you his back, revealing that he had no mic equipment set up. "I'm clean I promise," he told you. You nodded, not sure of what to say. "I know you probably hate me right now but I just really want to fix things here. I do like you Y/N and I feel bad for humiliating you in front of the cameras. I should have waited until we were alone to talk to you," he said. "Why are you telling me this? You still wanted to break up with me, therefore it shouldn't matter. We're done, get out," you told him. "No I'm not leaving. I... I want to tell you that I don't want to break up with you Y/N, I want to be with you." "Bullshit," you cursed. "Why don't you believe me?" he questioned. "I cannot trust you Ashton. You betrayed all of the trust I had built up. I trusted you with everything and you..." you choked on your words, trying not to completely break down, "You broke my heart." "I'm so sorry Y/N, I never wanted to do that," he said. "Really? Because to me it seems like that's exactly what you wanted to do. You buttered me up, gained my trust, got on my TV show and then dumped me on it. Well played Ashton, I guess your management got exactly what they wanted, a big celebrity story with your name right in the headline, congratulations." You walked over to your door, unlocking it and holding it open, "Now get out." "I don't want to leave, I don't want your last memory of me to be like this. I won't let you think bad of me." "All I think is bad about you!! You've given me nothing to question otherwise!" you shouted. "What about all our dates? Our late night trips to the beach, our movie nights, even our midnight swims in the pool because we got bored. What about all of that?!" he exclaimed. "That means nothing to me anymore! You told me that you didn't care about me, that I was just for publicity, and that I was only your girlfriend because of management. How am I supposed to trust you now?" "I..." he stood there speechless, not knowing what to say. "I'm sorry," was all he could get out. "How is 'I'm sorry' going to fix this? Do you really think that will help your cause?" you wondered. "I don't know how I can make this better right now," he threw his hands up. You both stood in front of each other, staring at each other, completely silent. "I was really falling for you Ashton, I really thought this could go somewhere and when you told me that you didn't care, that I was just a stunt, that killed me. And I don't know what to do now," you told him, shrugging your shoulders as you started to tear up. "I never wanted to hurt you," he said, coming towards you. "I never wanted to break up with you, but management kept pressuring me and then they said that if I didn't do it and in the next couple of days, my future with the band would be questioned." "They really did that to you?" you looked at him in awe. "Yeah, and I'm sorry because I shouldn't have put you through all of this. I shouldn't even be here right now, all I've done is hurt you." "Hey," you stood in front of him, taking one of his hands in yours. "Before yesterday you had never hurt me, you've only ever treated me like a princess and that's part of the reason I was so shocked yesterday." "Yeah," he nodded, sniffling. You wiped a few tears off of your cheeks and Ashton pulled you into his arms, hugging you tight. "Can I tell you something?" he whispered in your ear. "Yeah," you replied. "I talked to my management after I left here yesterday. I told them that I couldn't do this to you anymore and I battled for about an hour with them but they've agreed that they'll back off and let me live my life the way I want and whether I'm with you or without you they will not interfere or threaten me again." You pulled back from him, so many conflicting emotions in your head. "Really?" you checked. "Yeah," he nodded. "So I know you hate me but... I really don't want to lose you." You smiled, running a hand through his hair. "You won't. Now it's going to take some time, but I think I can learn to trust you again. It's not going to be immediate and you need to realise that, but I'm here with you and I want to be with you, but this time away from the cameras." He smiled, nodding his head and kissing your cheek.

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