Preference: How he reacts when you say "it's over"

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Ashton: "It's over." Ashton was automatically furious that those words had left your mouth. His skin began to heat up and go red, adrenalin pumping through his veins as he stared at you with a hatred that he had never felt before. He wanted to shout things at you, say 'how dare you!', but he couldn't. He saw you standing there, tears running down your face and that anger went away. It was replaced with sorrow and remorse for feeling angry at you. He apologised to you, not knowing how to get you to stay. He continued asking why you were leaving him, why it was over, wanting to know what he'd done to make you leave. But you didn't answer him, just walked out.

Michael: "It's over." Michael's body began to go numb as you said those words. His brain ticked with a million thoughts. He immediately started begging you to stay, trying to make it better. He held onto you with all he had, refusing to let you go, him now crying. He kept saying 'I love you please don't leave me', pleading with you not to leave him. When you pulled away from him, giving him one last kiss, he crumbled, falling to the floor in a puddle of tears.

Calum: "It's over." Calum thought you were kidding initially. He laughed it off, brushing off your words and ignoring you, telling you to stop joking around. He did not want to believe that you were leaving him, so he began to walk away from you, trying to push those negative thoughts out of his mind. As he continued to walk away, he felt a lump form in his throat, his stomach dropping. He just kept walking, knowing that if he saw your face again now, he'd break.

Luke: "It's over." Luke's bottom lip began to tremble, his breath getting shaky. For a minute he was silent, trying to process it. He wasn't angry, he was upset. Upset that you were leaving him, upset that what you had was over, and upset that he may have been the reason you were leaving. He started thinking of all the things that he could have done wrong, totally blaming himself for you leaving, trying to think of something he could say to make it better, to stop you from leaving. But he knew he couldn't. 

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