Preference: He Gets Hate

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Ashton: "No no no no no!!" You ran into the music room of the house you shared with your boyfriend Ashton and found his drumsticks snapped in half and laying on the ground, him sitting behind his drum kit with his phone in his hands. "Babe what's up?" you asked him. "I'm sick of this! Why don't I just stop drumming all together?!" he shouted. You could see he was sweaty and his body was tense. "Woah babe where's this coming from?" you wondered, going up to him. He didn't answer, just handed you his phone. 

 '@ashtonirwinsucks: why are you even 5sos you're not important get out of the band! #getoutof5sosashton' 

'@5sosminusashton: 5sos needs a better drummer, a hot one #getoutof5sosashton' 

#getoutof5sosashton was trending on twitter, thousands and thousands of tweets directed about getting Ashton out of 5 Seconds of Summer filled the screen of Ashton's phone. "Babe why are you reading the hate?" you asked him, worried because he never usually cared about the hate. "I saw the hashtag and I couldn't help myself. Maybe they're right... maybe I should get out of the band," he looked at you with tears in his eyes. "No don't even think like that Ashton," you put your hands on his cheeks and made him look you in the eye. "You belong in that band don't let the hate push you out. Screw them. You've never let the hate get to you before so don't let it get to you now. You have so many fans Ashton. Don't forget that. And you've got your biggest fan right here in front of you," you assured him, wiping the tears off his cheeks. "I love you Y/N," he said, smiling as he stared into your eyes. "Love you too you big goof," you ruffled his hair before he made you kiss him. 

Michael: "Y/N do you think I'm fat?" Your eyes widened in shock at the random question coming from your boyfriend. You'd just had a shower with your boyfriend and now he was standing in front of the mirror staring at himself while you brushed your hair. "Not at all, why would you ask me that?" you wondered, now worried. "Because I am," he said, poking his own stomach. "No you're not!" you tried to convince him. "It just seems like the other guys are so much skinnier and fitter than I am. They all have abs and I don't. My arms are fat, my legs aren't skinny..." "Michael shut the fuck up," you scolded him. "You're not fat, not at all. I love the way you look. You are fit and you do have abs. So what if they're not as defined as some of the other guys'? It doesn't matter. You're are one of the sexiest guys I have ever laid eyes on and I absolutely love you. Please don't think so badly of yourself, it breaks my heart to see you so down on yourself." "I just... I feel so unattractive. And I know you say you like the way I look but I just don't." "Michael where is this coming from?" He hung his head low. "Hate. On Twitter." "Michael... I've told you not to read the hate," you heart broke as a few tears started running down his cheeks. You wrapped your arms around him and held him close while he started to cry into your neck. "I know but... it's hard Y/N. Sometimes I just get curious of what people are saying and then I find out what people saying and it's not easy to see people say all this shit about me!" "I know babe, I get hate too," you tried to comfort him. "They don't matter Michael. You're not fat and anyone who says so is just looking to get some attention from the social media world, looking for someone to actually talk to them on Twitter, be it telling them off or agreeing with them. You know what," you pulled out your phone. "What are you doing?" he asked. "Something to help," you said, opening up Twitter. '@Y/T/N: Listen here bitches, stop saying hateful things about my man. Michael doesn't deserve your shit and I am sick and tired of listening to you people go on and on about things that aren't true. So shut the fuck up' "I love you," Michael said, kissing your cheek. "And I love you, now come on let's go order pizza I'm starving. Plus I need to kick your ass in FIFA." "Yep, I love you even more now," he smiled. 

Calum: "Calum?!" you called out to your fiancee through the house you two lived in. "What?!" he shouted back. He never shouted at you so that took you aback. "Never mind," you called back to him. You decided to go see if he was okay. "Babe?" you walked into the bedroom where he was. "I'm sorry I didn't mean to shout at you," he looked at you with tear-filled eyes. "It's fine. Are you okay though?" you asked him. "I'm fine," he wiped his eyes as tears fell down his face. "No you're not. What's wrong?" you sat down next to him on the bed. "Why can't they accept us?" he looked at you desperately. "Aww babe," you knew right then that he had been reading the hate. "H-Have we done something wrong? I don't understand it! Why do they hate us?!" he exclaimed. "Come here," you opened your arms up to him and he clung onto you like a 4 year old on their first day of kindergarten. "I'm sorry," he choked out. "What are you sorry for?" you wondered. "This, the hate. You shouldn't have to deal with it. It's all my fault. If we were just two normal people this wouldn't be happening and-" "Calum," you cut him off. "I love you. I don't care if we get hate because we're engaged and together. Forget them. You're stronger than this." "I know it's just... I don't like that you and I are getting hate because I'm so happy with you and I want them to be happy for us too." "I know you do hun," you squeezed him tight. "But I'm sure there a lot more people who like us than who hate." "You really think so?" he looked up at you with sad eyes. "I know so babe, now please cheer up. How about I order us a pizza and we can cuddle?" "Yes please," he kissed you passionately. 

Luke: "Y/N do you think I'm a good singer?" your boyfriend asked you as the two of you were laying in bed, lazing around on a Saturday morning. "You're an amazing singer Luke, no questions about it," you said. "W-What about guitar? Do you think I'm a good guitar player?" "Of course. You're amazingly talented Luke, be it singing or playing guitar or song-writing, you're amazing at it. Why are you asking me all of this?" you asked, wondering where these random questions were coming from. "I was on Twitter today and.. I saw some stuff about people not liking my voice or guitar playing in that performance we did at the AMA's..." "Aww Luke," your heart broke for him. "I mean I know I was a little shaky but.. like I was nervous," he defended himself. "I know you were, you still sounded incredible though. Everyone was nervous it was obvious, Calum stuttered too remember," I reminded him. "Yeah I know but.. they're not hating on him it's just me," he threw his phone across the room. "Well you know what? You're amazing, whether they see it or not is irrelevant. You have millions of fans Luke, they love you so much. And hey, you've got your biggest fan right here," you took his hands in yours. "I seem to forget that sometimes," a smile cracked onto his face. "Well don't worry, I'll always be here to remind you," you pecked his lips. 

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