Calum Hood - Never Be (Part 1)

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*Your POV*

"But Mum..." you whined, tired of hearing your mother go on and on about the town dance. Every year your town had a dance which the entire community went to. There was dancing and a festival and it was lots of fun, but your mother was set on you having a rich date to go to the ball with.

Your family was from the rich part of town, living in a mansion and going to the private school. Your mother was strict and wanted you to marry into another rich family. But you didn't want to marry for money, you wanted to marry for love much to your mother's despise.

"Come on darling," she ushered you out of the high-priced boutique.

"Why can't I just wear jeans and a top to the festival Mum?" you asked.

"What?!" she exclaimed. "You must never walk around these streets looking like a lower-class member of society. You are rich and have fortune and money, therefore you need to dress accordingly."

"But do I have to have a date to the dance? Why can't I just go and dance with whoever?"

"Whoever?! Young lady do you know how hard I have worked to give you a good life?" you nodded solemnly, hearing how much she 'does' at least once every day. "Then you should know that if I want my only daughter to go to the town dance with a rich boy, she will. I do not believe there is anyone else in this entire town besides the boys from our area who will give you what you want."

"But Mum I want love, not money," I told her.

"Oh honey you don't want love. That comes later. You marry for money and then maybe if you're lucky enough you'll learn to love him."

She strutted off ahead of you, about to go into the organic market.

"Aren't you coming?" she asked you.

"I'm just going to walk around for a bit. Alone."

"Alright then," she said, walking into the store.

After an hour of wandering in and out of different shops and down the streets, you came to a quaint little music store, with a song playing through the windows. You stepped inside, intrigued by the interesting song. As soon as you went in you fell in love with the shop. It was dimly lit, rows and rows of CDs and vinyl records lining the middle of the shop and at the back you spotted an old metal spiral staircase and some instruments, posters and guitars lining the walls.

"Can I help you?" you jumped at the sudden voice. You turned around to find a boy standing next to you. He looked about 18, with black hair and a couple of tattoos on his arms. He was really hot and you were suddenly a lot happier that you'd decided to come in here.

"I heard the song playing and I wanted to know what it was," you said.

"Oh that was Here I Am Alive by Yellowcard," he told you, a cute smile on his face.

"It's a great song."

"Yeah. I love Yellowcard," he stated, the two of you just staring into each other's eyes. You finally snapped out of it and looked back to the CDs you were browsing through.

"So you work here?" you asked.

"Yeah my dad owns the shop so I have no choice," he said, both of you chuckling. "But I love it, I get to talk about music all day."

"You like music?"

"It's my life. I'm in a band, I play a couple of instruments and I love it."

"It's good to have a passion in life," you smiled at him, in awe of his love for music.

"What's your passion?"

"Fashion design. I'm hoping to be a famous fashion designer some day," you confessed.

"That's awesome," he said, your heart fluttering. This boy you'd never met before was more into your dream than all your family combined.

"I like to think so."

"So did you want the Yellowcard CD?" he changed topics, heading towards the back desk.

"Sure. That sounds great," you followed him to the back of the store.

"What bands do you like?" he asked generally.

"Umm... I love One Direction, which I know probably sounds stupid to a guy like you. But I also have this thing for Blink-182 and Green Day."

"Really?" you nodded. "Those are my favourite bands."

"Really?" now it was his turn to nod. "That's so cool," you couldn't help but smile, and neither could he. He got out the CD and you grabbed out your purse.

"No charge," he said, handing the CD over to you.

"Are you sure?" your eyes widened in surprise.

"I'm sure," he grinned.

"Y/N!" your head whipped around to see your mother walking through the door. "What are you doing in here?" she sauntered towards you angrily.

"I was just-"

"Just what?" she snapped.

"Buying a CD," you told her timidly.

"No," she snatched it out of your hands and gave it back to the boy behind the counter. You were ashamed of your mother in this moment, embarrassed for the cute boy to see this. "Everything in this store is... inferior." I glanced back to the boy and saw his face fall at her snide remark.

"No it's not," you shot back.

"Don't argue with me," she scolded. "Come along now. The driver's waiting," she walked towards the door.

"I'm sorry," I said to him.

"It's fine. I'm Calum by the way."

"Y/N," you shot him a disappointed smile.

"Here, take it anyway," he slid the CD into your bag.

"But I-"

"Like I said, no charge," he smiled sweetly. You didn't want to leave but you reluctantly went over to your mother who was waiting at the door.

"You are not to say another word to that boy understand?" she said as she walked out the door, knowing he was still in earshot.

"Yes mother," you answered.

*Michael's POV*

I was heading to Calum's shop to start band practice when I glanced in the window and saw him talking to a pretty girl. He handed her a CD just as some old lady walked in and shouted at the girl. Next thing I knew they were walking out and Calum was left standing behind the desk. Looking at his facial expression though I could tell he liked that girl. He was staring after her and I just rolled my eyes and walked in.

"So who was that?" I asked him, a smirk on my face.

"Huh?" he was still in his dazed state.

"Who was that?" I repeated myself.

"Just a customer," he brushed it off, though nothing could hide his goofy smile.

"No who was it?" I asked again.

"A girl. A really cool girl," he said, heading upstairs, me entailing. I'll be surprised if we get any work done with him like this. 


Thought it was time to do another short story-type imagine on just one of the boys so here you go, part two to come soon :) 

Kelly xx  

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