Preference: Valentine's Day

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I am so sorry that I have not updated since Christmas, I have been going absolutely crazy, so much has been going on, the biggest one being I've moved to another country! I'm now living in Indonesia, spending a semester abroad for uni, so excited! But anyways now that I'm all settled in here I am HOPEFULLY going to be able to write some more for you all. 

Kelly xx 

PS: cannot believe this book is at 17.8K reads!! Thank you so much to all my readers 

Also sorry the Valentine's Day preference is a week after actual Valentine's Day! xx 


Ashton: You and your two best friends were all single this Valentine's Day so you decided to go out for a Galentines dinner together and then go out for some fun afterwards. You weren't too optimistic about finding a Valentine today, but you didn't really care. All you wanted to do was let your hair down and have some fun with your friends. After a gorgeous dinner you and your friends headed to your favourite club in the city. After a twenty minute wait outside the club you finally got let in and immediately headed for the bar. After gulping down a few drinks you all headed to the dance floor. Very quickly one of your friends who was already pretty drunk, was making out with some random guy, but you weren't exactly surprised because that's what happens pretty much every time you went out with her (we all have that one friends let's be honest). You and your other friend were dancing away when she suddenly nudged you. "There's a hot guy checking you out," she shouted over the music. "Yeah right," you brushed it off, thinking she was kidding. "I'm being serious!" she exclaimed. "Look!" she pointed in the direction of the VIP area and much to your surprise your friend was right. There was a very attractive guy staring at you, but when he noticed that he had been caught out by you he looked away, his cheeks blushing and you couldn't help but giggle. "Let's go over," you said to your friend, suddenly finding some confidence. "Really?" your friend looked at you, shocked that were actually thinking about doing something. "Yeah, it's Valentine's Day and if a hot guy is looking at me I'd be rude to deny him all of this," you smirked, both of you laughing. "Come on," you grabbed her hand, dragging her through the crush of people until you reached the VIP area. You were quickly stopped by the guard, but when you looked over to the guy and he realised you were standing there, waiting to come in, he waved you and your friend into the area, the guard letting you through. He rushed over to greet you only to trip over someone's foot, landing flat on his face and spilling his drink everywhere. His friends started laughing at him and so did your friend, but you couldn't help but feel bad for the poor guy. You crouched down in front of him as he tried to get up, his face now beet red. "Smooth entrance," you said, both of you chuckling as you helped him onto his feet. "Yeah, of course that would happen right at that moment," he said, running a hand through his hair. "I'm Ashton by the way," he held out his hand for you to shake. "I'm Y/N," you gave his hand a shake. "Do you want to come and sit down?" he offered. "Sure," you nodded. You followed him through the maze of couches and tables and then the two of you sat down on a small couch together. "So you saw me looking then did you?" he concluded, his knee bouncing up and down nervously, it's kind of adorable. "Well my friend noticed you and then pointed you out to me," you explained. "Caught out," he put his hands up. "So.." you shifted a little closer to him, "Why were you staring?" you asked him, your legs brushing. "Umm... well... you're.. you're gorgeous and I umm.." he couldn't continue his sentence because he kept stumbling over his words, so instead of saying how he felt he just showed you, kissing you long and hard on the mouth.

Michael: KNOCK KNOCK! You groaned as you heard a knock on the front door of your flat. You had spent the entire day of the 14th of Feb trying desperately to avoid having to leave your bedroom, and now that plan was ruined. "Who the fuck comes to a person's house at 10pm?" you wondered. As you got to the door and opened it your stomach dropped. "Hi," a familiar face spoke. You couldn't say anything, rendered speechless as you stood in your doorway in shock. "It's Michael," he said. You rolled your eyes, letting out a small chuckle. "No shit sherlock," you said. "Happy Valentine's Day," he greeted you, holding out a bouquet of red roses, his hands visibly shaking. "Why are you doing this?" you asked him, refusing to take the flowers from him. He looked to the ground, his shoulders dropping as he brought the flowers to his chest, almost cuddling them. "We only broke up last week I... I thought maybe I should still come over and wish you a happy Valentine's Day," he uttered, his voice trembling. "Michael..." you shook your head, trying to process this. Michael had been your boyfriend for over seven months as of last week, and then out of the blue he broke up with you, sending your whole world crashing down. You were absolutely in love with the man in front of you, but when he looked you in the eye last week and said that he wasn't sure if he still loved you and wanted to be with you, you not only felt angry, but embarrassed because you had foolishly thought that there was a future for you and Michael. "I'm sorry, I just... I just wanted to be romantic and.. I know that sometimes people can feel really lonely on Valentine's Day so I didn't want you to feel like you're alone," he said, sniffling as he rubbed his eyes. "I am alone Michael, we're not dating anymore, you made that clear last week. Is this you trying to apologise or what?" you wondered. "I..." he couldn't finish his sentence, a pained look on his face as he tried to think of the words to say. "Come in," you opened the door wider for him, now starting to get a little intrigued as to his purpose here. The two of you sat down on the couch and he placed the flowers down in front of you on the coffee table. "I know it's weird that I'm here," Michael spoke up. "But.. I really do love you Y/N," he said, his gaze coming up to meet mine. "I made a mistake breaking up with you last week, I don't know what I was thinking, I wasn't thinking really. I don't even know how to explain it. Last week was really rough for me at work the band, we're kind of at a roadblock with the songwriting and we all keep fighting over stupid things and.." "Why didn't you tell me about that?" you asked him. "Why didn't you say something about how hard of a time you were having?" "I should have, and I know that now. I'm really sorry Y/N. Can you forgive me?" You sighed, closing your eyes as you took in everything that had been said in the last two minutes. "You're such a dork," you rolled your eyes, hitting him with a pillow. You both laughed as he grabbed the other pillow and started hitting you with it. "No!" you exclaimed, jumping up off the couch and trying to escape only to have Michael grab your waist and pull you back down, laying you down flat on the couch. Your laughter died down as you looked into each other's eyes. As he leant down and kissed you, you finally took a breath, knowing that you really weren't going to be alone this Valentine's Day.

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