Preference: He forgets your birthday

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Ashton: "Morning babe," you went up behind your boyfriend of one and a half years and looped your arms around his waist, hugging him tightly. "Morning," he turned around, giving you a hug. "So what are we doing today?" you asked excitedly. "I have to go to the studio and lay down some drumming tracks." "I thought you did that yesterday?" your heart began to sink. "Yeah but I don't think they were that good so I'm going to go in and do a couple extra," he said. "Oh alright..." you muttered. "I'll be back before dinner," he told you as he pecked your lips. "Before dinner? Why that late?" you asked. "I don't know how long it's going to take, plus I'm going out to lunch with some old friends." "Really?" your eyes began to fill with tears. "I'll bring home dinner," he said before kissing you again and walking out the door.


You spent the whole day moping around the house, waiting for a call from Ashton to apologise and finally say 'happy birthday'. Nothing. It finally hit 8pm and there was still no sign of Ashton. You were curled up on the couch, Calum, Luke and Michael having come over to help celebrate. They'd even bought a cake for you, with candles and everything. Just as they were singing 'Happy birthday', the front door opened, revealing Ashton holding a McDonalds bag. You looked down at the floor, blinking back tears as Ashton's eyes widened in realisation. Michael rubbed your back comfortingly as a couple of tears fell down your cheeks. You got up from the couch and headed upstairs to your bedroom, only to be pulled back by Ashton. "Y/N I'm so sorry. I completely forgot, fuck I can't believe I forgot. And I left you alone all day... god I'm the worst boyfriend ever," he said, his eyes watery. "I just need some time alone," you said, continuing to walk away. You laid down in bed and began to drift off, tired from all the crying you'd done today. After an hour, the bed dipped down beside you, two strong arms wrapping around you. "I'm so sorry Y/N, please forgive me. I don't want to lose you," he whispered, nuzzling his head into the crook of your neck. "All I wanted was to spend today with you. That's all. And instead you spent your day with your drums and some old friends while I spent the day here alone," you wept. "I know... I'm the worst boyfriend in the world and I can't believe I forgot your birthday. You are the most important thing in my life, I can't lose you," he pressed a kiss to your neck. You rolled over in bed, turning to face him. "You're not going to lose me. Just... don't forget anything else." "I won't. I promise. And I'll make it up to you, I'll take you out to breakfast tomorrow, we'll go to your favourite place." "I'd like that," you said with a smile, all now forgiven.

Michael: "MICHAEL CLIFFORD GET YOUR ASS IN HERE!!!" you screamed through the house. "What?!" your boyfriend shouted at you as he walked into the lounge room. "What is this?" you asked him, gesturing to the mess of beer cans and pizza boxes that was strewn around. "I had some friends over last night, so what?" "You couldn't clean it up? Are you incapable of tidying up around here?!" you shouted, fed up of his attitude, leaving you to do all the work. "I'm not incapable! You're just uptight and expect me to do everything!!" he shouted back. "I don't expect anything, but I would like it if you would chip in with the housework now and then!" "You know what? Fuck this, I don't need this right now. I'm going out," he walked out the front door, slamming it shut.


The front door finally reopened after six hours, Michael stomping through the door. "What?" he snapped as he laid eyes on you. "Nothing," you shook your head, flicking back through all the birthday messages on twitter. At least some people remembered. "You know what? I don't even know why I'm with you? You're so fucking clingy and bitchy, this is ridiculous! I don't deserve this! I deserve better than you! Someone who doesn't tell me what to do and someone who looks good!!" Your mouth was open as he shouted all this abuse at you. He'd always been the one to tell you that you were beautiful, no matter what you wearing or if your makeup was done. And to hear all of this from him broke your heart, seeing the man you loved be so cruel. "I do not need this right now," you choked on your tears stepping away from him. "Not today... I don't deserve this today." "What's so special about today? You're a bitch every day!!" he shouted at you. "Today's my birthday!!" you exclaimed, standing up from the couch. His eyes widened, lips slightly parting. "Y/N..." he tried to step towards you. "Don't," you stepped back, trying to gain some distance as you blinked back tears. "I'm so sorry. I can't believe I forgot..." he too began to blink back tears. "I feel bad," he said. "Yeah well you should. You just told me that I'm not good enough for you, that I'm ugly and that you don't really want to be with me... and I've been sitting here all day looking through texts and twitter messages saying 'happy birthday' to me, when my own boyfriend doesn't know it's my birthday.. because he forgot, he was too busy hating me." "No," he shook his head. "No I don't hate you." "Really? Because that's what it feels like." "I don't know what to say," he looked around the room cluelessly. KNOCK KNOCK! You both turned to look at the door, Ashton walking in. Michael's eyes widened as your big brother walked in. "Y/N go get in the car. I have a few words to say to Michael, and yes I heard everything you just said to my sister."

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