Chapter 10 - The Hunt For A Class Rep! -

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Kirishima and Sato regained consciousness, (Y/N) and Sato noticed this and ran over to them helping them up.

"What happened?" Questioned Kirishima, "The last thing I remember is fire and flying."

"Dude you knocked me into a wall." Sero commented.

"What? Oh... right... we lost and you threw me.." Kirishima said to (L/N).

"Sorry about that!" (Y/N) apologized and pats the red heads shoulder,"Anyways you got a mean right hook. Well done!" He praised the red haired boi.

"And you Sero, your quirk is awesome by the way. You laying traps around is a great idea for incapacitating brawler types like us three." He commended.

"Well we lost, my bad Kirishima I should've been more cautious."

"Hey hey hey, it's ok. That was a great match!"

"We're here to learn after all." Sato added.

The two teams greeted each other with a bro fist circle. Then they began heading back to the monitor room, chatting with each other.

Upon reaching the room with high spirits, they were greeted by a hyped up class, well almost all of em anyway. They congratulated both teams for their effort, and they praise (Y/N) for his well thought out plan and control over his quirk.

"Great job young ones!" All Might spoke up."Although the hero team won, both teams did a splendid job matching their roles. The villain team defended the objective to their last legs, going on offensive only when they were backed into a corner. As the hero team forced them out in the open where they have the advantage!" All Might said as he walked up to the teams."All right everybody! Let's here a PLUS ULTRA!"

The matches then continued for a while until everyone had their turn fighting each other. At the end of the class, All Might praised everyone. They headed back to the classroom, everyone was discussing the battles while waiting.

"Damn, our class has a lot of of strong quirks. Bakugo's, that Todoroki guy, and most of all you, (L/N)." Kirishima spoke up looking at (Y/N) in awe.

"Yeah it's strong, but not strong enough." (Y/N) replied, looking down at his rainbow flame swirling around his hand."I just learn and adapted to it. Everyone is good and bad at something. You broke through a wall and bruised my face for heavens sake."

"It was nothing."

"Bruh... 10 centimeters of concrete and bruising me isn't nothing! By doing that your almost strong as me!" (Y/N) said in a comic tone as he made his rainbow flames disappear making a certain someone sad.

"But wait. Sato pulled Sero towards him like he doesn't weigh anything. So that means..." Kirishima thought out loud.

"Yeah, he can stand up to you in a fist fight!" Sero added.

"I dunno but if given a chance let's test that!" Sato announced.

After a couple of classes the day ends. He arrived home tired.

"I'm home!" He announced.

"Welcome back (N/n)!" His mother announced from the living room.

"How's school?" She asked him as she hugged the semi-tired boy.

"It's great!" He replied and he proceeds to narrate everything that happened today.

"Hahaha! Well done my little (N/n)!" His mother said as she hugged him again.

"Heh, thanks mom!" He returned the hug.

"Now go get yourself cleaned up, we're about to have dinner soon." His mother announced.

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