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-7 years ago, Brooklyn, New York

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-7 years ago, Brooklyn, New York

"Hey bro bro who are you feeling today?" I asked my brother as I entered the four white walled room that still haunts my dreams.

" Better than yesterday, how's our Roman doing? Still trying to get that Maddison chick to give him a chance?" My brother asked me as I sat down next to him at the end of the bed.

"Yahmm he's still going for her even after 2 months" I let out a breathy chuckle, a small smile traced my lips.

He shakes his head.

" Hes still as persistante as ever that fucker." Ryder said that made me look up at him in amusement.

" Your lucky momma isnt her she would woop your ass so hard for swearing and for calling Roman a fucker.'' I muttered the last part 'cause that woman just pops up everywhere.

He laughed.

"What is she going to do? I'm already crippled." his laugh turned to a cough.

My body is awake and alarmed as i reach over to rub my brothers back feeling his spine form the lack of muscle on his bones.

When his coughing dies down he waves his hand to let me know he's fine so i just move on knowing he doesn't want to talk about it.

" Not funny, and not the time dude" I responded immediately with narrowed eyes, even though I knew he saw my slight amusement. I can never get anything past him.

" How's Kenny doing? I've seen a couple videos of her talking mamma and dad's ears off, about god know what and her outfits are so far out there. Does she dress herself? Her momma would never allow her to leave like that." It took me a moment to respond because I don't really talk at all unless it's to mamma or Ryker.

" She sure can talk. I'm pretty sure she got it from you. And ya she fights with momma to leave the house for school like that."

We continued to talk for a couple more hours and watch some tv. Until my phone started to ring.

I pick it up without looking

"Hello...", my momma's voice rang through my ears,

"Hey baby dinners are going to be ready soon, you come home. You got to let Ryder rest." she said sternly.

"I know mamma ill be home in thirty." i Look out the window to see the sun setting and the lights of New York fill the darkening sky.

"Okay be safe love you say love you too Ryder for me baby." she sighs into the phone

"Love you too momma. And I will see you at home." Then I hung up and looked at Ryder who had passed out. I pulled the blanket over his shoulder and softly said goodbye and love before I walked out of the room.

⏣⏣⏣⏣⏣ 1 week later

I have been so caught up with school and exams that I haven't had a chance to go visit Ryker, sure we've face timed and called but I prefer in person with him.

I walk out the library after finishing my last assignment and open my car door when my phone starts ringing. I look to see who it is and its Ryder i answer.

"Hey Rye, whats up?" I ask with concern in my voice. I don't hear anything and I get this feeling in the pit of my stomach. Something tells me something is horribly wrong.

" Hey buddy, umm can you come, it's urgent." It was my dad's voice and I felt my stomach turning.

"Dad, what's wrong? Why do you have Ryder's phone?" I'm getting more scared.

"Just hurry over okay... love you" and the line went dead. I jumped in my car to get to the hospital as fast as I could, running multiple red lights on the way. The closer I get the quizzer I feel.

Once I push open the cancer center doors i see my mamma on her knees with bloodshot eyes and my dad has no emotion shown on his face but heartbreak, Kenny is in the chair coloring.

"Mamma, Dad?, wh-hhat ha-app-ened?" I find myself stuttering. Letting the fear seep into my voice.

My mom looks up and runs towards me and latches onto me. "Mamma, can yo-ou tell me what's been scaring me?"

" I'm so so sorry baby, he-ee's, he's gone." she says through her tears. My whole world stops, it freezes and all I hear is my heart tearing in two. My second half, my brother, my best friend, my twin, he's gone. I lost him. I'll never see him again. My whole life is now empty. My knees buckle and my eyes burn with tears of misery, grief, anger, guit.

 My knees buckle and my eyes burn with tears of misery, grief, anger, guit

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Authors Note

Hi! i'm currently editing my story before continuing to write

Edited {07/1/22}

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