8|Holy Fuck, again

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I wake up to the bright ass sun burning my eyelids

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I wake up to the bright ass sun burning my eyelids.

I roll over with a sigh reaching for my phone. When I realize that Cassie and Hav still fucking have it.

" HAVEN EMORY RAVEN AND CASSIDY HAYDEN HARPER!!!!! WHERE IS MY FUCKING PHONE!!!!" I yell throughout the apartment while I hop outta bed.

I mozy myself down the hallway to Cassidy's room. I push open the door so fast it smashes into the wall. And causes Cassidy to fall out of bed. Making me bust my ass laughing.

" You bitch" Cassy grumbles as she rubs her sore ass. I wipe away a tear from laughter.

"Okay , okay I'm good. Where is my phone?" my voice turns serious.

"OHH, ya... um let me get that for you." Cassy fumbles in her closet. When she opens it everything falls out. After a couple of minutes she pulls out my phone.

"Okay here you go. BYE." she says while pushing me out. Before slamming her door in my face.

Weird. Just fucking weird, wait,

Those fuckers what did they do?

I rush to turn on my phone, it feels like forever.

"Hurry up you piece of shit." I mumble as I walk back into my room.

When my phone turns on two dings come through from instagram. I unlock my phone and tap on instagram to be met with a notification that reads Ryker_Ditka followed you back.

Did they do what i think they fucking did?

I swipe over messages to be brought face to face with a DM from Mr.Beautiful himself.

These bitches are dead.

Wonder what he said?

| Hey Mystery Girl :)

   Sent 8:05 AM



"HE DMED ME SO GET YOUR ASS'S IN HERE AND HELP ME!" I yell because I have no clue how to get myself out of this situation. Plus I kind of want to talk to him but at the same time I find it humiliating.

My door bursts open, walking in is Cassy and Hav with these big smiles that reach to they're fucking eyes.

" What did he say?" Cassy asks as she sits herself down on my bed.

I just handed her the phone. Hav looks at it too. They look back at me and I sigh,

"What do I do?"

"Can we message him back?" Hav asks hopefully.

"Why tho, like why?" earning myself "are you serious" kind of looks from them both.

"Why, because you got the guy nobody can touch, and by the looks of it he wants to touch you so woman fucking up and dm him back or we will." Cassie says seriously.

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