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I run through the Los Angeles Central Hospital doors

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I run through the Los Angeles Central Hospital doors.

Getting to the receptionist desk, there is a middle aged woman behind the desk with her blond hair in a high ponytail and large glasses on her face. She's in what could be green scrubs. She's zeroed in on the computer screen in front of her.

"Hello there?" still nothing.

"Hello? M'am?"okay...

"Excuse me ma'am" this is bullshit.

I don't have time for this shit.

I slap my hand down on the counter.

Grabbing her attention she jumps in her chair.

Wide eyed staring stunned at me.

"Excuse me ma'am, I am looking for someone." I am beginning to be more frantic as the seconds tick by that I'm not with Nyx.

She just fucking sits there like a deer in head lights.

Is there something wrong with my face?

"Ma'am, I asked you a question?" I raise my brow in questions. Noticing my voice is very clipped.

I must look like a mad man.

She shakes her head as if to clear her head.

"What can I help you with today sir?" she finally askes.

"I am looking for a woman, her name is Nyx Black she's 21, and was rushed to the hospital by ambulance about 20 minutes ago." my fingers tap impatiently on the counter along with my bouncing foot.

"What is your relation to Miss.Black?"

God dammit.

"I am her boyfriend." fuck I am getting even more pissed off.

Again Ryker. Seriously!? Get a grip!

"Okay has any family members been called?"

Is she serious? How would I know? Isn't that the hospitals job?

"Even if they did they it would do shit because they don't live in state so it would not be much fucking help."

She does not take my use of colourful language lightly.

God almighty.

"Okay sir please no swearing in here and give me one moment."

I don't have the fucking time! I want to scream

She is taking her sweet shitting time.

She's turning back to me.

"She is in just aro--" this woman is cut off by the yells of a familiar voice.

Spinning around, I see Roman in the hallway waving at me.

Not bothering to say another incompetent woman I rush over to Rom.

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