31| Nauseous Embarrassment

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 30 minutes prior

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 30 minutes prior

Leo shot our group chat a text asking if we could leave for a while so he could bring Cassidy back to the house.

Roman decided to head to the coffee shop to do some assignment

Stopping at the gas station to grab some snacks and start driving.

On my way to go see Nyx. I have no assignments and I did not want to go to the bar or anything so here I am walking through her up her walkway when the slamming of a front door stops my movements.

I turn my head to the right to see an older lady clad in a nightgown and robe paired with a head cap and slippers. Her glasses hang around her neck as she determinately struts across the lawn scowl settling on her face the closer she gets to the Nyx's front door.

She doesn't acknowledge me till I step up the steps behind her. Whipping her head to face me her scowl deepens.

"These women need to shut down the music, I can hear it from my bedroom. Not to mention their screaming match. Their sinners with the revolting things they discuss as 'fun'. Absolutely revolting and shameful." Her rant catches me off guard.

Clearly she's extremely religious, I step back and let her knock on the door.

This is so awkward standing here in the middle of the night in nothing but my pajamas standing next to a religious old woman who looks distrubly woken up and not to mention we are standing outside Nyx's front door with rudolph the rednosed reindeer playing as fucking background music.

Not how I thought my night was going to go but here we are...

Her words about Nyx and Haven's 'revolting talk about a sinner's fun'. What could they be talking so loudly about that makes it a sin?

Before I could question this ladies words any longer a loud thump and crash is heard before the front door is swung open, revealing my Nyx in her little pajama set that's crooked to the point you can see her black lace bra.

Great... more awkwardness.

Nyx's neighbour that I yet to know their name gasps in horror at Nyx's state.

You can easily tell Nyx is drunk out of her mind. We all just stand there in silence, I don't think Nyx realizes what position her clothes are in so I feel my cheeks burning up at this ungodly situation while also forcing myself not to start fantasizing about what else lies beneath Nyx's pajamas.

The silence is broken by a plastered Haven crawling on the floor. I am both amused and mortified by this situation.

"Hiiiiii Mrs.Wwilliammmmm" Haven waves excitedly to her from the floor. Looking back at Nyx she looks ready to punch her best friend.

Haven glances up at me before screaming at the top of her lungs

"OMG you're the dick she sucked!" Holy fucking shit! Why must these things happen to me?

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