39 |Chilling on the floor

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Ryker POV

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Ryker POV

Waking up to the light shuffling of the covers I open my eyes, finding dark brown locks covering my chest like a blanket. Amongst all the locks of brown hair is Nyx face tucked into my neck. Her breathing tickles with every breath. I smile down at her small frame sticking to me like a koala bear, our legs are a tangled mess along with the sheets that have been kicked off by a sleeping Nyx.

I have my arm tucked tightly around her, keeping her close. All I can do is smile. Not being able to get enough of this five foot girl that is like a 1000 thousand piece puzzle, full of color and shades of darkness.That waltzed right into my life and flipped it completely over, like an overly competitive angry kid who just flipped the board of monopoly over after losing.

I laugh at my analogy. Still not wanting to change a damn thing.

She truly is a 1000 thousand piece puzzle, one so complicated I find myself staying up late to find a way to figure out a new piece to fit together, only to realize it is going to take me a long ass while to fucking put her all together.

I can't think of anything better, looking back down just to see her nuzzle closer, in her sleep she plants a delicate peck to my pulse.

Fuck that I can wait a million fucking years if it mean in the end I get to see her all put together.

Leaning down slightly I place my own peck to her crown, lingering at the scent of her hair, coconut lemon.

Nyx wiggles with the feeling of my lips on her head. Moments later she twists her head up to look at me with droopy, tired eyes.

Fucking hell shes adorable and beautiful all together.

First thing my baby does is give me a tight lip smile before kissing me on the jaw. Who ever said guys don't swoon has apparently never met Nyx Nova Morgan Black because if they had they most certainly would fucking swoon.

"Good afternoon" she mumbles on my skin.

"Good afternoon to you too darling." turning my head, her lips are now hovering over mine, glancing down I see her perfect plump lips still swelling and red from our activities earlier.

"What time is it?" she turns over attempting to find her phone.

I silently watch her struggle to move around the bed in search of her phone while I keep her tight to my body. Letting out a frustrated sigh she looks back to me with an unthreatening glare. I chuckle at the sigh of it because all it does is make her more adorable.

"Don't. Just don't. I need to find my phone and you, mister, are not helping." she points an accusing finger at me. Causing me to chuckle some more.

"It's not funny, help me find my phone." she begins to pout.

Damn. She knows what she's doing.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 08, 2023 ⏰

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