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 **Sexual content throughout chapter**

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 **Sexual content throughout chapter**

She looks like a goddess right now.

Her thick dark brown hair is up in this messy half up- do thing. Her face has minimal makeup on, showcasing her naturally raw beauty. A small velvety green dress hugs her luscious curves making me think dirty dirty thoughts. Her long thick thighs look even longer with the strappy black heels on her feet. She still barely makes it to my chin.

I want that dress on my floor to be able to see what lies underneath.

I want to explore every inch on her soft porcelain skin with both my hands and tongue.

Fuck. shit.

Great... my pants are getting really tight sitting across from her. But wishing she was straddling my lap, or underneath me.

When she told me about her sister I recognized and felt her pain, not nearly to the extent of the way her sister died. I feel the same missing piece gone, stolen from me just like her.

Then I told her about Ryder and I have no idea how I did. I haven't told anybody about him in years. After he died I closed myself off from the world and everyone around me. It took my best friends a whole year and my parents and I many hours in therapy for me to open up again. But to this day I don't let anyone in, not wanting anyone else to come into my life for me to have the chance of watching the suffer while I stand by only able to lose the fight of their lives. Just like my brother.

She was able to get me to speak the words I have wanted to say for a long time but never could because it was too hard. Feeling safe with her I broke down my wall and talked to Nyx about that horrifying memory. Like I can say any and everything with her and not have to worry about her judging me.

Our waiter pissed me off, we was fucking oggling her, clearly she was uncomfortable but, nooooo he still had to fucking stare.

I never imagined having a date with the most beautiful women I've ever laid eyes on and enjoying myself openly.

I've felt lost for years, yet with her I feel free, relaxed, seen.

All because of her.

She breaks me out of my trance. " should we get dessert?"

" If you wish, darling but I was thinking of saving dessert for when we leave." sending her a knowing smirk across the table.

I made sure I said it loud enough for the prick of a waiter to hear as he passed with drinks for a new table next to us.

As I knew he would, he subtly glanced at Nyx's direction to engage her answer.

Moving my attention back to Nyx she blushes and to my surprise she shyly nods her head.

Fuck Ya!!


"Alright, I will get the bill." I wave over our prick waiter with a devilish smirk and get the bill.

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