Blood Tune*

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The storm showed no signs of stopping, it furiously blew away whatever stood behind the brick walls of the cabin. The double glass windows kept all sound at a minimum and gave the inside a sense of peaceful and homely feels.

Louis placed the two hot mugs of tea down. Harry in the meanwhile was still tuning the guitar for Louis, he had asked a special tuning and had a melody in his mind. After reading the lyrics of the song, which to his surprise where very sensitive and sentimental, he had decided to go for a ballad.

Once Harry placed the tuned guitar down, Louis sat next to him, scooting over closer on the couch and giving him his tea. He placed his own mug on the side and took the guitar.

"Thanks Lou."-Harry thanked him as he sipped the perfectly made tea.

"The only thing I can make without ruining it."-Louis admitted and started playing some single cords, trying to find the first that came in order.

Harry laughed.-"I'm guessing you and the kitchen don't go well."

"Oh no love, not just well. We don't go at all! "-Louis said jokingly.

"I'd blame your little hands and you height. You barely reach any of the cabinets anyway."-Harry said chuckling.

Louis smacked his head making him choke and spit out his tea.-"Oi! My hands are in perfect proportion with my body!"

"Than you're just smol."-Harry cooed rubbing his head.

Louis narrowed his eyes and flipped him off looking away with a huff knowing damn well he was right.-"I'm not!"-He than got back at his work.

The alpha watched as Louis slow finger tips started to try out the strings, making random changes and adjustments until he got the right tune out of it. His slim fingers worked wonders as they formed the first chords.

Harry sipped on his tea...his eyes not leaving Louis. Examining every detail of the omega, carving into his brain every single thing of it.

His eyes blessed by an angel. An angel with wonderful skills. He's sitting across him, wearing his clothes that stood big on his elegant toned body, his hair was dishivered and his cheeks where red and warmed by the fire. He liked how Louis legs dangled not reaching the ground from the couch as he played the guitar with extra focus.

Smiling down Harry walked to the fireplace adding another handful of woods to keep it going for the night.

Going back to the couch Harry caught Louis staring at him, him looking away as fast as he could. Harry smirked.-"Whatcha doing?"

Louis fake coughed.-"Trying to find the right tune for this thing."

"Right. Let me know when you're ready."-Harry said resting his head on Louis lap away from the guitar and closing his eyes.

"What are you doing!"

"Hey. I'm exhausted let me rest my eyes here."

"On my lap? You're not letting me practice the tune."

"Stop complaining just go with it."-Harry said and waved a dismissive hand on the air.

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