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Mackerel takes a sip out of Louis glass of Martini and with a big grin continues.-"Good news is, we have a sense of where our chaser will be!"

"Bad news?"-Louis asks raising an eyebrow.

"Obviously you've been followed. As you wanted of course, and your brilliant plan to have your car, the one I rode that night, chased to the secondary base, worked. They've been watching the place from afar. I can confirm there are two man, large enough to knock down a gorilla, sitting in a car outside the base right now as we speak, thinking you and him are there."-Mackerel said laughing, clearly a little tipsy.

"What is the second part of the good news, I don't think that's all you have, right Mackie?"-Louis continued.

"Well the people set to act like you and Styles at the secondary base, are going to a party on of my friends is holding at his villa, and so will the people chasing them. Once at the party, we'll set them up and have them captured."-Mackerel added proudly.

"This is good, how many people are we taking with us? Do I need to collect a team or something. Anything I can add?"-Harry asked and Mackerel and Louis started laughing.

"Is he for real?"-Mackerel asked still laughing.

"We're not going straight to a trap."-Harry felt the need to add again.

"Styles, you have Louis! Why the hell would you want anyone else to get in the way?"-Mackerel said now completely serious.

"You can't just sent him off to danger, what about back up?"

"Harry man, Louis is the danger himself. And he will have back up, just in case, as I said this will be my friends party. So he knows everyone there."-Mackerel said and pointed at the people around them.

Harry took a look around.-"They're all omegas and betas, the people you mentioned can knock down an gorilla, and I'm pretty sure they won't be the only ones there."

Louis who'd been silent for to long, spoke.-"The so called omegas and betas you just dragged their name off, can slit you throat while you're blink and you wouldn't even notice till all you blood was drained Styles."

"Look Styles, I get the fact that you don't trust those who aren't like you, but I've trained most of these people myself, and Louis here has helped me in each step to make our organisation better, take a look around, what you see is only a part of our global wide organisation, we might not be many in number, but the ones you see around you, have a body count higher than your age in dog years. If you see them by their gender, I see them by their talent and unique personalities, I know all these people by name, you see that young kid there?"-Mackerel pointed at a teenage child sitting with a group of women.

Harry nodded, letting him speak.

"I was there when he was born, I knew his mother since we where kids in high school, she's on omega, she got raped, and pregnant as she was, she asked me for help, she didn't ask for money, or any kind of those stuff, she asked me to train her so she could kill the person who did that to her, she killed him and gave birth an hour later, and within two days she was up to go and work so she could raise that child, and not for a second did she kneel before her fate. Not for a second did I see her weep in tears, she is a lovely mother, she's raising a wonderful child, one that won't do what that alpha did to her, and at the same time she's protecting all these citizens from rapist that get away with it. See that women besides her, that's her mate, she works as a lawyer, she brings us information on people who get away with things like murder, prostitution, rape, abuse, child abuse and other big crimes by using corruption at the judging court and the others take care of them. See the same girl on the table with them, she's my sister, she does the same, expect she's a lawyer who protect omegas on the courtrooms. See that guy on the left, the other table besides them, he's a beta, the kid was raised by sex abusers, I trained him when he was only 16, he has a record for being the most kindest with his victims, he only shoots them once, in the head. It's the quickest death you can offer a criminal. The girl besides him, omega only 19, she's a psychopath kills people by torturing them, but only bad people, who remind her of her father, monsters mostly. She goes by the motto, if you kill a killer the number of killers in the world doesn't go down, but if you kill a 100 it goes down 99 times. Next we have the bartender also omega, an orphan, escaped from jail after she burned down three orphanages, because the people there abused children without purpose, she saved over 160 orphans from abusing orphanage systems, she's a hero, doesn't do much these days since she's wanted everywhere, but she has a 9mm tapped under her table in case the place is ever attacked. She's willing to sacrifice herself any time. You want me to go on?"-Mackerel said softly all in one breath.

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