The mother she never knew) fighting the battle part twenty six

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Lena got home from work spoke Nyla Braylon and Kathleen. She went straight upstairs, to changed out of her work clothes. Lena put on a pair of jeans and tunk top, Lena went back down stairs. And went into the kitchen to get dinner started, the kids were in the living room watching a movie on Disney channel. Lena took the flyer pan out the bottom of cabinet,  and place it on the top of stove. Lena went to the refrigerator and took out the ground chicken and got all the ingredients for the salad
Lena got the ground chicken cooking
And she apply seasoning on the meat
Then Lena begin working on the tall salad, alright y'all l'll see you guys in the morning Kathleen said. Drive safe
Lena said, mommy mommy when is momma Coming home Nivia says
Aww baby momma should be here soon. Lena tells her daughter
Nyla goes back into the family room and finishes watching the movie with her Braylon, Nyla climbs up the sofa
Lena sheds up the lettuce and puts it on the bowl. Hello my loves Stef says coming through the door, momma your home Nivia jumps Stef's arms
Stef carries in the kitchen where she sees Lena setting the table. Hi baby Stef, leans in and gives Lena a kiss
Stef put Nyla down on the floor,
Lena goes back to cooking. Stef goes and get a cold drink of water, Lena's draining the grease out of the pan
She then put the pan back on the burner and turned off the stove
Honey go ahead and feed the babies
I'm gonna go take a quick shower
Stef said. Are you sure we can wait
Until you came back down Lena replied, no go and make Nyla and Braylon's plates Stef says to me
As she leaves the kitchen. I took the tacos out the oven, and begin to make the kids plates. I know their hungry
It's going on 7pm, and there bed time is at 8pm. I put their plates down in front of them and they began to eat
I made Stef's a plate for when she comes back down, l just had a salad
Because l wasn't really hungry. I don't why my body won't allow me to eat at times.

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