The mother she never knew) fighting the battle part sixty- four

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We were all sitting in Lena's room  Maggie Day introduce herself as the dietitian here at the hospital. She gave the three of us information about herself, Maggie went to say she was from London and came to America when she was just eight years old with her parents. Maggie said her and her husband have a five year old little boy. She told us where she went to college, Maggie was very open and honest. I just like my patients to feel comfortable in my presence by giving them a description about my self
Nathaniel just sat and listen to the woman, speak about her back round
Lena could hear Maggie Day's London accent. When she spoke, ok as you all know, l'm going to give you a list of foods. Lena can and cannot have while having chemotherapy, such as
1. No spicy foods of any kind
2. No fried or greasy foods
3. No raw vegetables of any kind
4. No sweet or sugary foods
5. No large meats
Sometimes cancer patients have a hard time digesting meat properly
6. No scramble eggs/ boiled eggs are fine. Make sure their cook thru
7. No cold cute meats. Because their high sodium,
8. No white bread/ has a hint of sugar
9. No caffeinated drinks/ tea or coffee
10. No cheese/ it can cause constipation

Good foods you can have

Make sure you stay fully hydrated by drinking six to eight glasses of water a day.

2. Plain or fruited yogurt

3. Fresh fruit
Toast or bagel with a small amount of peanut butter. For protein

4. Almond milk without the sugar

5. Chicken broth
Use water to knock down the salt
Because it's extremely salty

6. Wheat bread
is more healthier.

7. 100 percent juice

8 Ensure can be use as a meal replacement. It has all the vitamins and nutrients, smoothies are okay
Use only fresh fruit only. No frozen fruit

9. Oatmeal/ instant
Use only a teaspoon of raw honey

10. Add fiber in your diet such or/ prunes Raisins

11. Ginger ale- to helps
settle your stomach. Unsalted crackers and pepper mint tea

For the first week of your chemo
Make sure you eat a full course meal
There will be times when you won't have a appetite.

Does anyone have any questions about what l just mentioned
Maggie asks.
What about pasta and seafood
Lena inquiry, no shrimp shell fish
Of any kind. Pasta is okay
Maggie said,

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