The mother she never knew) fighting the battle chapter one hundred twenty -four

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We pulled up to the house and there's was a huge banner up and said welcome home mommy. Their were balloons hanging up outside, this has Abbigail's written all over it
She's the queen of throwing large parties. I parked the car in the driveway, as soon as I got out the car
The kids came running out the house
Nathaniel and Abbigail were behind them. Nathaniel came down to help me get Lena inside, while l grabbed Lena's suit case and bags. Hi babies
I said to my kids, Braylon carries the lighter bag. Momma can I carry something to my daughter asks me
You can hold mommies purse.
She doesn't like feeling left out
I hope your hungry cause I made big dinner for Lena's welcome home celebration Abigail says to me
You didn't have to go through all that trouble and cooking for us, you and Nathaniel have some much for us
We really appreciate you looking after the kids in mines and Lena's absence Stef tells Abbigail. Stef when are you going to realize Lena's my daughter and you are too and those children in their are my grandchildren and we're a family
Abbigail explains. I made sure the car doors are locked up, we in the house
I took Lena's things upstairs to our bedroom and l found her sleeping
I know she's exhausted she probably sleep through the night. I know she wanted to spend some time with the kids, l go into the bathroom and wash my hands. I don't know what Abbigail cooked for dinner, l really hate to Lena alone by herself So l get in the bed and turn on the television.
I'm glad wife's home with me and our children, then l get to wake up to her
Every morning. I hear Abigail calling my name, l jumped up out the bed and head downstairs to see what she wanted. I see braylon and his sister at the table eating meatloaf baked macaroni and cheese with broccoli on the side, there's a young woman on the phone by the name of Maggie
Abbigail hands me the cordless phone
I go out to the backyard and sit down
I put the phone to my ear and said hello. Hey Stef I know it's been awhile since we spoke last, l'll gonna be in town this weekend meeting with some folks. I wanted to know if I could maybe stop by and see you Lena and the kids, my son's been asking about Braylon Maggie says to me. I don't know Maggie cause the last time you were here you stole for us, we invited you into our home
Then we don't hear from you in months, plus l'm not sure we're gonna be up for any visitors cause l brought my wife from the hospital today it depends how she's feeling. Lena trusted you Maggie and you let her down, it's going to take a lot for we for us to be able to fully trust you again
We treated you like you were part of the family. Stef says coldly, if you give me another chance l feel bad about what happened it wasn't never my intention to steal from you all
I just needed found out if Lena was my sister or not. Recently I told we share the same blood type, Maggie States. There are dozens of people out in the world that can have the same blood type, so don't bull shit me
Maggie. You knew what you were doing, look l have to go take care of my wife Stef replied and hangs up before Maggie can respond back
Stef takes a deep breath before heading back in the house.
I put the phone back on the receiver
Stef is everything okay Nathaniel asks me, Stef's trying to calm herself down
Yeah l'm ok she replied, Stefanie let me make you a plate l know you must be starving Abbigail gets up and fixes me some food. Momma when is mommy going to wake up Nyla asks me, oh baby mommy's had a really long day and she's tired but l promise tomorrow we can spend the whole day together and watch Disney movies down in the movie room in the basement. The doctor wants mommy to get plenty of rest Stef tells her 2/1 year old daughter, you promise momma. Nyla said
Yes baby l crossed my heart
Abbigail sits my plate in front of me
I dig into my meal, it feels strange
Not having Lena at the table
I know if she wasn't so exhausted she'll be in here eating dinner with all of us.

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