The mother she never knew) fighting the battle chapter seventy-eight

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When I return back to the hospital from taking care some early morning business. I exit the car and took the elevator up to the fourth floor,
I stopped off at the gas station to fill up. Even though I still had a half tank of gas left over, the elevator ding and l
Stopped off then heading down the hall. Towards Lena's room, l walk pass the nurses station to see the same old nosy women l saw earlier when I left out, l enter inside Lena's
I found her rested in bed. She looked warned out, from the chemo
I went over to Lena's bed side to give her a kiss. Since l haven't seen her
As soon as I pressed my lips against hers, she opened up her eyes and started stroking my cheek with my hand. Thank you for my beautiful roses and card, Lena said half of sleep
I meant every word l said. Listen
I called your mom to let her know
The medical helicopter is transporting you back to San Diego, she's supposed to taking the next flight out. So she should be arriving in a few hours,
Stef says, l thought she was supposed to come back yesterday. According to what she told my Dad, Lena said
Lena saw the look in Stef's eyes
She could tell something else was on Stef's mind. Lena wasn't gonna push
Her wife into talking, until she was ready. She told me to tell you she loves you, Stef responds. If my mother truly loved me why the hell isn't here
You and dad have been here since day one, Lena asks. Stef trying to get to calm down. I don't know love
You'll have to asked her why?
Stef replied, did they say what time medical helicopter was coming
Stef says. They said it should be here in an hour or so,

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