The mother she never knew) fighting the battle part thirty-three

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Once the kids got back home from their outing with there nanny
I give them each a bath. And we did story time like we do every night before bed, by half way through the book. Both children were sound asleep, l kissed them good night and headed downstairs to make a cup of hot tea. Tomorrow is Friday thanked God, l always look forward to the weekends. So I could spend time with our children, Stef is taking all of us away for the weekend. She won't tell me where to, l packed up Braylon and Nivia's bag. Hopefully l'll have an easy day at the center, Mom called me earlier and wants to get together for lunch. She's been working hard lately at the University, we haven't had a mother and daughter day in a while
Mom could be overbearing at times
I came to the conclusions years ago
That's how she is. And l accepted it
Sometimes she treats me like a little girl, instead of a grown woman
I pour the water in my mug and added some sugar, stir The spoon inside the cup. Lena stares at the piano that sits over in the corner
It's been years since she's played
Lena gets up from the table and heads to the living room and takes a seat
in front of the piano and begins to play a classic piece, she plays with such emotion. What Lena doesn't realize that Stef is at the bottom of the stairs, listening. She knows how much Lena use to love the piano, when Lena finishes up. Stef claps her hands
Lena turns around and sees Stef
Baby how long have you been standing there, Lena asks
Oh not to long it's been a while huh
Stef says. Yeah it has l didn't realize how much I missed playing Lena says
You know you can start again, Stef said, babe I don't know Lena States
Why not Stef Stated. For one l have a full time job and secondly we have two toddlers that require my undivided attention. Lena tells Stef
Love the kids are fine, your always
Putting other people's needs ahead of your own. Think about yourself this once, Stef responds. Damnit Stefanie l said no  just drop it Lena got up and walked away from from her wife
Stef's taken by Lena's sudden out burst. Stef goes after Lena and tries to figure out what's wrong, Stef takes a seat beside Lena on the swing chair on the porch, honey talk to me please
Stef said in a calm settle tone.
I'm sorry l snapped at you like that
You didn't deserve that. The reason why I don't wanna play anymore
Because my mother always pushed me to be perfect, l would often complete up against other kids
the reason why I did it was because it made her happy. As time went on
I would constantly practice for hours and hours, she told me that she sacrifice a lot for me whatever the hell that meant. Lena had tears running down her face, Stef begins to piece the puzzle together why Abigail was so hard on Lena. She takes Lena's hand in hers and they head back in the house, Stef locks up the door and turned on the alarm. And they went upstairs to the bedroom, Stef got in bed and taking Lena with her and held Lena in her arms. No words were spoken,

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