The mother she never knew) fighting the battle chapter one hundred &nine

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After helping Lena with a sponge bath
I helped her back into bed. Lena was dressed in sweat pants and tunk top
She's lost so much weight, from the treatments. We're waiting for Kim to come back, to give Lena her medicine
Babe are you okay l asked her.
It's cold in here, Lena says to me
I'll gonna go see if I can get you a blanket, at the nurses station Stef tells Lena. Stephanie where am I gonna go
Lena chuckles, Stef Shakes her head as she walks out of the room. Kim did you have an extra blanket for Lena
Cause she's complaining that she is cold, Stef asks Kim . Sure l just took some out of the dryer, Kim came back carrying two quilts. Over her arms
Kim when left before, you forgot to give Lena her medicine. I tell Kim
I'm so sorry Stef it completed sip my mind, it's been so crazy today
I have another hour before l'm off the clock. Kim said, trust me I understand
Maybe we can go and grab a drink or something. Kim asked me, l was taking back by her statement
Maybe another time I don't think that's a good idea Kim said Stef
It's ok. l know your devotion is to your wife, l just thought you could use a break away from this place. Kim States, Stef's heading back to Lena
Not thinking of it was Kim asking me out on a date. Maybe l'm reading to much into this situation, l pushed the door open. And Lena on her laptop
Well it took you long enough, l figured you forgot about me. Lena said
Huh love what did you say, Stef responded. Never mind your millions miles away, what's going on babe
It seems like you got a lot on your mind. Lena states, l'm fine just tired that's all. Stef replied, Lena knew not to push her wife to far. Stef puts the blanket on the bed, Lena grabbed her wrist. Stef looked up into Lena's eyes
Lena saw so much hurt in Stef blue eyes. Talk to me baby Lena asks
Babe l'm fine please don't worry about me, Stef responds. Lena doesn't look too convinced by Stef's fast response. Lena brings Stef's hand up to her lips and kissed it, please don't shut me out. I know how you like to keep everything bottled up inside
I know my illness has caused you a pain.  And have see me sick, l wished with all my heart things were different, Lena Stated. Ma'am l won't have you blaming yourself for getting sick, don't think for a second this your fault. Something's are beyond our control, you know that right Stef asks me. I do but l'm so worried about you and the kids, Lena explains. Love Braylon and Nyla are fine, just focus on getting better and coming home
Stef said. I feel helpless Lena begins coughing again, Stef gets Lena some water. Lena hands began shaking

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