The mother she never knew) fighting the battle part one hundred & eight

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I'm here in the intensive care unit
I seem to pick up a cold from somewhere. That cause me to get extremely ill, they have stopped my chemo therapy because my white count is down to low. It's at 0.05
It should be at 10, as soon as l think l'm getting better and this happens
Stef's been hanging on by a thread
I know she isn't sleeping. She has dark circles around her eyes, they don't know. When I can be released
My baby girls birthday is in two months from now, hopefully l'm better by then. I hate being away from my babies, but Stef reassures their in capable hands. I'm hooked up to all these damn machines, Stef went to tell the nurse Kim l'm having pains in my chest. I don't know what's keeping them so long, they have me on some antibiotics to treat this bug
I'm deeply congested from what doctor is saying. My immune system
is down, it's hard for me to fight off any infection. I haven't been anywhere, l probably caught it from the chemo infusion room. It's always cold in there, l am just a cold nature person. I can't even any food
Everything tastes unpleasant to me
It's been four months and we're still dealing with this cancer, from what my oncologist is telling us l may need a bone marrow transplant from a non relative. Maggie disappeared on me
I don't know what happened, Stef thinks she stole our tooth brushes from the master bathroom. Because she was only one who asked to use the restroom, l can't trust people in our home. And stuff comes up missing
We may need to install cameras inside the house. I shouldn't have to do that
Stef finally comes back into the room
With Kim behind her, ok Lena l spoke with your doctor she wants me to start you on prednisone. It's a steroid to help fight this infection and tomorrow she's scheduled you for a chest x-ray in the morning so we find out what's going on with your lungs
Kim said. I'm gonna put this medicine in your IV, it's going to make you drowsy so if you need to rest then rest
I'm here till eleven tonight and then Jill will come in and take over
But I'll be back in the morning around 9am. I will bring you some more blankets, Kim gives me the run down
When can I have a shower l'm tired of wearing this same ass gown. I wanna my own clothes, Lena says to Kim
You can have a sponge bath for now
I'm gonna get you some clean towels and wash cloths. Your wife can bathe
I know you are particular of who you want seeing in your birthday suit so that's why l suggested Stef, Kim States
Yeah your right. So let me and get those things for you and I'll be right back in five minutes or so, Kim responds. Shit Kim forgot to give me
My meds, Stef runs to catch up with Kim.

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