The mother she never knew) fighting the battle chapter eighty- one

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I took my time heading back to San Diego. I wanted to give Lena some time alone with her Dad, so l went straight to the grocery store before going home, we always shopped at fresh grocer and whole foods market
Lena's only allowed to have fresh fruits and vegetables. I pulled up to the supermarket, parked the car and got out. Grabbed a buggy and went inside, and started doing the shopping
in the produce aisle. I look through
All the apples, Lena likes the gala ones. I picked up one bag of the slices
Apples and regular ones.  Along with some oranges, bananas, strawberries
I check off the fruits list, l look up and notice a dark skin staring at me
I head down the dairy section to get some yogurt. I choose vanilla
Strawberry banana, peach and blue berry l get six each.

The helicopter just arrived at Nova medical center of San Diego. I slept majority of the ride, l know Stef had some errands to run. Hopefully my dad is here, the Lindsay and her team
Landed safely on the ground. Alec
And Matt got out the chopper, and came open. The double doors open up
Two doctors came out the door, Lindsay unstrapped me. While Matt and Alec, lift the stretcher out the
Helicopter. Lindsay handed my paperwork, to one of the doctors
They wheeled me inside the building
Down towards the elevator. The doors open up, and l'm wheeled through
Dammit Stef has my bag with my change of clothes and cosmetics
Case. Along with my personal care product's. It's been a pretty long day
I just wanna rest. As soon as we enter the room, my father was sitting by the window. They help me off the stretcher, on to the bed. A nurse comes in and takes my vitals then she puts on a ID bracelet on my wrist

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