The mother she never knew) fighting the battle chapter forty-one

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I was in the kitchen making lunch for the kids. While Lena was resting
I heard fussing coming from upstairs
Something told me to go up to find out what was going on, as I was about to go up. Braylon came down, what's going on buddy, l said to him
Momma Nyla took my action hero figure that l was playing with and give it back, Braylon says to me. Alright bud let's see if we can straighten up this situation. Braylon and l headed up stairs, Nyla was in Braylon's room sitting on the floor playing with her brother's toys. I just spent five hundred dollars a piece on toys for the both of them, hi momma Nyla looked up at me with those gray eyes of hers. Princess your brother just informed me that you took his action figure hero away from me, we talked about this before Nyla. You can't be taken things that aren't yours, l just you a bunch of things. You won't like it if Braylon took something away from you, Stef says to Nyla. I'm telling mommy your both are begin mean to me. Nyla throw the spider man down
And Storm out of the room, before Nyla came make it out of the door
Stef pulled her back, oh no you don't missy. We do not walk away and it's not okay to toss somebody's personal belongings. Do you think that was the right thing to do, Stef question her daughter. Nyla folded her arms over her chest, l'm waiting young lady
You need to apologize to Braylon or you can go sit in time out until you say your sorry. This child is as stubborn as can be, just like l was
Nyla looked at me and then at Braylon
Sorry for throwing your toy. Nyla tells her brother, Nyla never again
Next time l tell you to some thing
You do it. Or l will spank your tail
Understand me, Stef responds
No ma'am l don't want a spanking momma. Nyla said to me
I think you need to spend some time alone in your room for two minutes and think about what you, Stef explains to Nyla. Stef escorts Nyla out the door and down to her bedroom
Baby this is a punishment, it's a warning. Your never to walk away when an adult talking to, Stef pulls Nyla on to her lap. I know momma
Are you gonna tell Mommy what l did
Nyla asked me, yes Mommy and me don't keep secrets from each other

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