The mother she never knew) fighting the battle chapter ninety-six

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Dana Adams was sitting in her kitchen drinking a hot cup of coffee
Reading the News paper. She began reading an article about a doctor who had been taking his patients babies and telling them that their children had die, and selling the baby's to rich couples. Dana couldn't believe it
She thinks back when she tried to get pregnant again a few years after Lena
Dana was told her baby was still born
The sixty- five year old doctor, was brought up on charges earlier this week. Over three hundred new born babies were sold, the man was facing life in prison. Dana couldn't believe it
She continues reading, he drugged each one of his patients and took the children from the women's womb
Dana thinks the same thing happened to her. There was a number listed at the bottom of the page, Dana was thankful her husband wasn't home
Because he would been asking a lot of questions. She wrote the number and the contact person's name down
Dana feels sorry for all those other victims out there, excluding herself

Stef woke up to the sound of her children's laughter. She saw the couch empty, Stef got up in search of her wife. But first she went to greet Braylon and Nyla, Stef headed to the backyard. And saw her father in law
Cleaning the yard, while the kids were swinging on the swings. Hi babies she said, they jumped off the swings and ran over to her, she had her arms open up wide. Mama we missed you, Stef was glad to be home
They both said, awe my loves l missed you too. Where's mommy at Nyla asks
I don't know princess she said, Nathaniel smiled. to see his grandchildren happy to be home with their parents, he wished his wife was here. Stef Nathaniel says, Stef looks up. Yeah she responds, l've mowed the lawn. I purchased you guys a new grill, Nathaniel tells his daughter in law. You didn't have to do that Stef replies, l know but I wanted to
Nathaniel responds. Stef wasn't use to her in laws helping them out, Lena's birthday is coming up soon. And I wanted to help out, just like l did with the grocery shopping. Nathaniel says
We are grateful for all your help,
I'm sure Lena would appreciate everything you've done for us, Stef states. We're family and we have to stick together, anything you need l'll be glad to chip in. Nathaniel replied, Stef nods her head. Alright babies l'm gonna go find mommy and let her know you guys are here. Stef tells Braylon and Nyla, they went back to playing.
She goes back in the house, to go see what Lena's up to. Stef walks upstairs
And enters the bedroom, and hears the shower running. She takes a seat on the bed, anxiously waiting when it seems like hours, in reality it's only been a ten minutes. Lena comes out the bathroom, with a towel wrapped around her thin body, hey baby how was your shower. Stef asked
It felt good to take a shower in my bathroom again instead of the hospital, Lena Stated. Your dad has brought the kids back. Stef sees Lena's face light up, like a kid in the candy store. Lena gathers her clothes and goes back in the e- suite to get dressed
Stef could tell something was wrong with Lena, but she didn't want to push
Stef knows what this illness has done to Lena so far. This is a good day for Lena, usually she would be to sick to do anything. I know she will have her good days and bad, Stef doesn't want to hover over Lena 24/7. She wants to be there for Lena as much as possible
There are days when Lena's to weak
to hold a conversation or watch a movie. And you hold her in your arms
After she's throwing up for a whole hour,

Maggie knows what she's doing is illegal. And she could possibly lose her job, breaking into the patient debase. Maggie needed to find out
Some information on Lena Adams Foster, as Maggie stared at the computer with all Lena's personal
info. She realize her and Lena shared the same blood type O- B negative
Maggie found out Lena was a child psychologist, and has two children
Growing up hasn't always been easy
Being a biracial. Maggie got picked on a lot, in school. Girls making fun of her. For being to light and having curly hair, life was never easy
Having two loving educated support
Parents, who were white. Maggie would always ask why she didn't look like either of her mother and father
They never gave Maggie an honest answered. So she did her own research, what Maggie found broke her heart. Since finding out she was adopted, as a new born baby. Maggie wanted to find her real parents and if she had any siblings, Maggie felt nothing but hurt. She hired a private investigator to help her, ever since Lena left the hospital. A week ago
Maggie and her family were invited
Over to the Adams Foster house
For a small gathering,

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