Chapter 1: So that all happened?

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Chapter 1: So that all happened?

The memory plays out. Jake Caloway. Many things he was. Jake had just got done with a ritual via the fae and the fair folk. He was speaking to Pan the god of the wild of Greek lore. Gwain entered the room. Jake at the time was using Pan as a translator. "He wants to know what you think of his follower Brisk from that app your always on?"

"I don't like him."

"He wants to know why."

"Because he....had issues with my friend Look on the platform they're both on. And dissed the magic Look practices."

"He says that he could get an apology out of Brisk do you want that?"

"No I'm just going to unfollow him."

"He's very happy about that. He doesn't want Dawn knowing about you or that your story is real."

"Why?" Jake asked confused.

"Gwain says" The god Pan spoke.

"That your prophecy the ones that you're getting the girl Raven to tell for you, are being told, but essentially they will operate no matter how they're told whether fictional or real as an operational manual. For the fae." Pan said. "He says he is very sorry. But him and several other gods will do their best to convince people that your story is a fabrication."

"Why?" Jake was upset.

"Because if they know your story is real." Pan said slowly. "They will track you down and find the real "Jake Caloway" they will know who you are. Then your story, your destiny however great. Can't occur. He will tell a few pagans that your story is true. But for the most part while they'll know that the story is deeply routed in real tradition they can't know that it's a true story. That's why..." he said. "Nobody can ever believe you. God agrees with him. The Yoruba agrees with him. Everybody agrees with him" Jake was stunned.

"He says he knows you're upset. He gets it but in order to protect the fae and you a hafling since that is what you are. It's necessary." he said.

"I understand" Jake was defeated.

"While they won't believe it is real. They will be upset that your story is about a hafling. Not many people tend to believe those exist. And nobody and he does mean nobody will truly ever believe you" he said.

"Alright" Jake said.

"Gwain has to go and so do I. I really honestly" Pan stressed. "Prefer the forest."

"Does your body still feel numb. Turning Black?" he asked the halfling, Jake Caloway who was distraught but what he had just heard.

"Yeah" Jake confirmed.

"Good it is supposed to. Got to go." Pan said and then the man disappeared.

That conversation was 4 years ago. Jake had known the fae and made many mistakes with them. This was before his quest, before taurus, before DJ and Summer. Before the game took lives. Before century items. Before everything ever. Before he met Hercules. Jake flashed forward to now. He was admiring his reflection. Scarlet Red curly hair against a pail white face and blue eyes. They had changed color. That was because of the fae. But it was sort of a mental thing. Something he cound't quite see, but knew was apart of his reflection.

Jake continued on looking at himself a bit in the mirror. Flashes consumed him from his previous history. it all echoed in his mind. The hafling thing is not something I currently know about, all I know is that Jake Caloway has many sides to him. Jake moved back to his bedroom and began to set up in his current outfits. Ouji fashion was all the boy seemed to wear. He had packed his bag, with clothes, and fruits of his labor. He was ready to start his quest. Was there an even a quest? That was the thought that crossed Jake Caloways mind.

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