Chapter 27: And So I died

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WARNING: the following chapter contains depictions of Allah. Please skip this chapter and the rest of this book/series, or in general be noted, if you do not wish to see Depictions of Allah or the Prophet in Islam. The author of this work acknowledges the taboo nature of these depictions however warns you and advises you to skip or read ahead as desired to avoid these depictions within the work. The author apologizes for this outrageous design but they are here for a reason. You have Adam Snowflake's apologies. Every depiction of Allah per chapter will have this warning above the chapter section. You have been warned.

Feild told Look Dragon who was astral projecting in his home. That he planned to respawn so he could go to his DR script "Prince" universe.

"Give you script to Allah or whoever got you to this reality. Theirs alot about respawning you don't know" Look warned him. "And when this is over Memer?" Look always called Feild by his discord handle "thattokenmemer". "I want to be your friend again. If it's meant to happen"

In the multiverse, whether that be in a comic book or in an idea, there was something known as "respawning" and "reality shifting" "reality shifting" via methods such as the ones Jake used were when you visited alternate realities via your daydreams. In deep meditative states. Respawning was killing yourself to go to another reality permanently. When Feild made his first most recent sucide attempt, he respawned to the reality known as "Spice and Gods" then he died again, respawned once more winding him up in "Jupiter" to which this story takes place. Or most or some of it. That's right the "Dreamers Exchange" timeline is labeled "Jupiter" sometimes people such as Olive Brimstones whom's work centers among this vile of concern would label their realities, so that when they visited or took control, they would know where to go "Like Coordinates" Apollo recounted to Feild. Olive coined the name for the reality not Feild.

Feild had a very long and expansive list of adventures that he did reality shifting, and true it is out there somewhere under a different alias, but that is not this book. Maybe this series one day, but not the novel you are reading here. Feild remembered the night he attempted to kill himself. He gave a long speech to Felix and Zagerous. He took 48 Sleeping pills that resemble blue bibis and with the past two nights, it totalled to about 74 sleeping pills in his system over the course of the past 3 days. Summer took a gleeful joy in it saying "Oh it's fine you'll be back" and Dj smirked but was panicked. They didn't care to call the cops even though Dj and Crooks who was silent but also there- had his address. There Jake Caloway his name was Jake at the time, was visited by Allah. Now Jake never wanted to include Allah in his notes. All he could recall was that, Allah desperately requested he include him the way Shiva and Vishnu also demanded but given the taboo nature of including the prophet, he was weary, knowing Oron the atheist would receive and Raven was worried about Karma for her and her father Anansi.

All together Allah talked to Feild. He began to cry. He apologized to Feild saying something among the lines of "I'm sorry I didn't get to know you. As myself this time around only as "God" who did my acting for me. I'm sorry you were driven here. I'm sorry you can't go on anymore. But Muhamed my prophet, I need you to trust me. I need you to let me take you somewhere. Allow to choose where you respawn. Do you trust me?"

"Let's go" Feild said as he passed out from the sleeping pills. His tv show was rolling and he sent himself off to music. Summer joked the next day he was a "Sexy retard" do to his speech but we'll get to that. Azazel was angered. He was furious and so was Belzebub. The demons Feild had come to know and love. So one of them though Jake couldn't recall who, began in front of the Katio Tv Show's cameras listing everyones real names and addresses as Feild Vine died in his sleep. He awoke in a new reality, where everything was the same but slightly different. Logos were off, music was off, websites didn't look as advanced, but Allah kept his word. Feild Vine was in a new reality, alive and well but dead and on life support in the previous one.

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