Chapter 5: News to Me

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Jake mostly blanked on the possession before him. All he could remember was the dead god begging his king not to bring him or his wife into "it". "He may deserve it. He certainly deserves it. But I don't" the god said through Jake's lips in reference to the boy and then Jake was himself in front of his portable mirror on his bed holding it. He wiped the tears from his face to see his sketchpad. Outside his anatomy figures, and Dear Theodisia playing on the radio. "Is he okay?" Jake asked about the god. "He's fine." The mirror responded. "We'll, meet when you're ready." Jake looked over the scribbled words written over his sketches.

Dear Agonn (ag-ohn-nn) tis I elridl

Good to see you X2

Bt you ND sketched.

Love Brisk.

And Casadia.

She's a good egg.

You'll remember soon enough.

Love the new look.


B nice to Brisk


The cosmos became a person to stop itself from eating itself and that's what Jake is!? Fuck were screwed.

Baby your existence <3

These notes were presumably written from god knows when in the possession. Jake decided he needed some sleep as flashes of the possession echoed in his mind. Jake heard a thunder clap from outside during the storm via his window and in it he heard Zues's voice. "There prayer now answered. Now you know". Jake spent the rest of the night feuding with Brisk Hallow and several fae who were threatening him do to Brisk's spell, the tick tock star had cursed Jake due to a disagreement about the fae when they hardly knew each other, and Brisk was found of putting words in Jake's mouth accusing Jake of being an idiot who didn't know what he was doing, and getting his friend Casidia to help curse him. 

The night culminated in one of Daren Black's friends stealing Jake's most precious memory, and giving a light one of Brisk's in return to Jake without his consent prompted by Brisk. Jake angry and outraged cursed Brisk with a tattoo on his arm, his favorite form of attacking and the spell was placed so that he could not harm someone else this way again, and so that any curses he laid would occur to him, and that any spells towards Jake from Brisk would be done unto him as he intended unto Jake.

Jake had a moment of clarity but backtracked and resealed the spell, having been up all night do to insomnia spells cast by Daren Black and his crew. Jake didn't even remember how he had met Brisk, like all the other spirits in his home the tick tock star had just shown up one day. Jake considered himself far more experienced with the fae and more practiced than Brisk because the sort of stuff the "druid" though Jake laughed at the revival, some of the work he taught, was clearly book studied and far far- FAR from practiced in Jake's own mind. 

Jake then spent the night explaining himself to various associates he had accumulated over the years. They had once again, shown up without prompting or an evocation. Jake didn't true know why he had attracted so much attention, but he had, and he was going to amend it.

"So you think you're god!? You're crazy!"

An anonymous girl said.

"Did I say that? No. I did not say that I'm god."

"What are you the god of?" another asked. Jake didn't bother with names or faces. They were friends of friends of friends.

"Everything. I am the wind. I am the earth. I am the concepts and the ideas."

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