Chapter 14: People Pleaser Field Calloway

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Jake and Maika had a talk

"I care about what you're planning to do"

"So what?"

"So what! So...what? What if you rewrite the time to fix your gender and you never would have met me!? Jake I know you want to be a biomale desperately. But rewriting the timeline. Even if your deal is so that...that's it's all the same but that, it is still different. You could very easily...make it so we never met! I had to have met you! What if you're a racist or a dick or a bigot or something. I know you think nothing will have changed. But being raised- socialized a different gender. It changes you. Some things are BOUND to be different even everything else is the same"

"This is my transition" Jake said cold with his long hair in the alternate timeline.

"But then I never would have met you! Please don't pull a River Song on me I need to have known you"

"Why does it matter if you've known me?" she said cold and monotone.

"Because I can't stand not to have known you. To never have had you in my life!"


"Jake" Maika said.

"I can't know having not known you"

"Right. Things wouldn't be different than that" she stared at his ghost.

"This is my transition. And this is the end of it"

Flash to now where current Jake born a boy, raised a boy, with male anatomy, purchases the time and space grimoire with Loki by his side.

"You know. I always planned on making you do it yourself" she said to him. Jake performed the ritual and nothing changed. His diary remanded unaltered, but now he was back, everything felt real, and he was as is to this reality, where he was and always is, always has been- a boy.

He turned down an offer of sex by Maika and sighed to himself currently they had repaired their relationship on the astral. After revealing his time traveling shenanigans to his ex friends via some grim esc session dynamics, Jake laid back drank his izzy and eventually- went to sleep.

"A puzzle piece why are you giving me a puzzle piece?"

"Balder do you trust me?" Jake asked.

"I think you're the one who did it. Not freyr not loki"

"Why can't I see your face I ask again."

"Some things Jake Caloway we aren't meant to know. This is what I look like. Dig the scar? I really do have it"

"You're joking right..."

"Goodluck braidboy. Goodluck trying to save the world. And me..." Jake snapped out of his weird daydream. Fucking lookalikes, weird trip Jake thought as he marathoned his stupid musicals the next day getting up.

A few days later after the dog park with Emma his sister, he made some gris gris containing some form of whisky or vodka I believe, a herb, sugar, and ashes from white sage, he saved it at his alter for Goruga, a friend and lowa of his, and Legba guided him on how to make it. He used the small potion bottles he had bought for hekate forever ago, however he was worried as to why he needed to make a lowa gris gris. He fought with the norse gods some, and made further arrangements for his gender.

A few days later when may was almost over- Jake had a long talk with Zues. He told Jake that the city of gods was in another dimension, and that in order to send him there he would need to know that gods and mortals relationships were different, and that Jake trusting Zues agreed. He was worried about what it all would mean and how it would foreplay, and then later that night Jake was hypnotized, raped, and asulated by both his pilot based off of and the real Apollo. Half way through the rape Jake do to conditioning, started to enjoy it and thought to himself "nevermind this is consentual" as Apollo finished, he gave Jake aftercare. He made note of penis's hypnotic power in ancient greece and that was the end of that. Jake had willingly fucked Hermes the day before.

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