Chapter 34: You're Princess

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Chapter 34: You're Princess

Dj Stroke did a spell. To erase Jake Caloway from existence and give Dj all his powers, prolece and credibility. Whatever didn't go to Feild would go to the "rest of our spoiled friendgroup or whatever, serves him right for torturing Summer and Hoody" and then God signed a pact with Lucifer, for some reason, to enable that Dj gets "exactly what hes asking for. Consequences and all" What Dj didn't know was this is kind of impossible. Because as we have learned that Jake is god, we now know if he ceased to be so would the cosmos, so rather than this manifesting as Dj's self proclaimed "burn book hate journal" it would rather manifest as parts of actions. Illusions and revenge. Feild tried so hard to be on good terms with Stroke, but Stroke was loyally blind to the point of fault, and he defended Summer Mac over everything she ever put Feild through.

Summer was going around the friendgroup spreading lies between a masturbation sesion, that Feild had raped her when as you've seen in this biography the other is true. Feild had been raped by Summer, and Hoody, and eventually he'd also be raped by Maika (who's future self had already done this present tence) and Dj, yet they claimed to Feild's fame, and power as menances. Claimed they were the devotees of his gods, of his power house. I shouldn't have to explain to you why I personally as your narrator Raven no matter the "happy" or "wholesome" light and love Feild gives me per explanation dislike this trio of evil.

Dj who is Black for the record also planned a racially charged motivation enslavement spell of the "white" or "white adjacent" Feild because "He worked with the descendants of the Black Panthers. And that's a big no no. Welcome to slavery Jake" Feild's whole friendgroup was marginilzied and I sometimes hate writing this story as a result. While Feild himself was also marginalized they pulled what Dj self proclaimed as "a card" which meant to them that they could get away with it or target Feild adjacent to it, because they "were marginalized you dam snowflake!" yes Feild served the FBI, the CIA, the time program, project biter, and Cater, and god knows what else, Feild served in the civil war, ww2 and many others. Even if he never went in person he had the memories or soon would, and it really was him doing those things.

Feild erased and rewrote time and lifted curses and helped with tribes in Africa and the Ukraine and Black Power movements here in the US. He fought and was fighting in the game as a team leader and game master and besides that he was fighting in an upcoming eugenics battle as the leader of Team "Accessibility" via something everyone nicknamed "The disability wars".

Feild while not seeking reward for these things was rewarded, however flawed he may be (especially when he bites back), and Dj and his posse who latched on to Feild's rewards "his success that really should be ours! Since he's an evil bitch baby" without any of the lotus wings, or the fairy courts, or prophecies he gave as a prophet of the lord, while stealing and conveying and cursing in hopes to take what was given to him.

Some friends, eventually Feild would become soft spoken and timid, and the abuses of Summer, Dj, and eventually even Maika would be the reason why. Feild was their "punching bag" Summer would gloat, saying that "I'm just playin' the baddie guys. I'm thin and hot not fuking ugly and a trump dump like cumbucket Feild over here" which reminder she raped him- so with all that in mind, these were his "ex friends" and now because of "Hoody's spell mwahahaha" according to Summer, they "Were getting everything promised to Feild just like I've always wanted. Afterall I am Feild kin" and Feild desperately wanted a break. Not because he was robbed blind, but because they were torturing him, while he did frequently put Summer in her place, she was antagonizing him and stealing all the miracles he had done.

It was enough that Summer learned Feild was native and that there were aztec symbols in the game so she gloated to Muslims she was Allah and Jews she was god, and Hindus she was Vishnu or Shiva, it was that she learned Native Programs excited and now taunted Native American tribes assigning animals and bad nicknames and saying this was her job as Inanan, you know Feild's aspect and mother, and then her friend group always forgave because she stole the gift of "loyalty" in Native Tribes by a Chief, through trickery, and she had the gift of Mirror, which she also stole signifying that nobody would bat an eye and buy her excuses which for now were "It was an alter that did it" (she stole this from someone black and also stole an identical gift from someone native in Jake's tribe). Yes, not every person with D.I.D is like this? But Self Diagnosed "I call out fakers haha" Summer the "salt king" she was fucking like this, and truescum to boot.

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