Chapter 2: Bloody Wands and Closing Doors

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(Image showcases Jake Caloway in his public domain design by Milight)

Chapter 2: Bloody Wands and Closing Doores

Jake was greeted in his bedroom as most former associates and spirits tend to do, by his former Rabbi of the Conservative branch. She told him many things. She said God chose him for this, and acknowledged the past abuse of his family. She warned him that their is a torah portion about this where Jake is described, about an ambiguously gendered prophet of god, who had issues with their faith, but it is so old and hard to find, that it was really Jake's to find on his own. Jake broke down talking to Casiel, an angel from media, that Jake had grown fond of. Jake was of the belief that all depictions of angels, just as depictions of gods, or demons become real within the world, thus no matter where you are pulling from, all angels imagined are real.

Jake broke down, and several mormons, several muslims, several people of all high rank and importance were in the room with him,people he did not know, and they watched his tears flow. Casiel asked Jake why he was doing it at all, Jake replied "because it's the right thing to do." Jake believed you do the right thing not because it gives you a warm fuzzy feeling, not because you get a reward, not because you get to be special, not because no one else will do it, you do the right thing to do, because it is the right thing to do. That was Jake's motto. He wasn't right to be god's prophet, which is what their relationship had divulged into, but the rabbi told him and so did the angel, the previous before mentioned thinking exactly proved why he was chosen.

Jake gasped for air between his crying wails. "It's not fucking easy! What about them!" He angrily pointed to his bookshelf which had been turned into a makeshift alter for his ancestors though the gods often resonated there. "He's got the wrong guy" Jake gasped. Eventually though Look Dragon appeared in the room. The two had been on bad terms. A former friend, someone he used to tell everything too...a replacement in face and voice...for Maika Abend. The best friend who Jake was trying desperately to let go.

Jake was true drawn to look because outside of the freckles and curly ginger hair which contrasted Jake's Aubron to fire truck red curls, the boy was near identical to his ex best friend. But Look had abandoned Jake. He wasn't his friend. His server of wax, the discord they had both been apart of, Jake gave advice that night on how to fix it's demon problem. Someone had struck a curse on them, and via that magick removing Jake Caloway the "demon guy" from the scenario was just part of the plan. Jake knew he would never be friends with Look again but amongst the fight those two boys had, despite Jake putting his foot down against the young adult that night, he still angrily helped him. Again because "it was the right thing to do".

The night ended with Jake crying more over. He does that alot, and the next day Jake was talked down too by Jupiter. Jupiter's lightning had been stolen, and Jake knew his quest was to return it to the storm god, however Jake desperately wanted to just get on with it already, still unsure he was, despite Zag and Felix and his other "imaginary friends" demigods in his life, if The City was really real. Whatever the case, Jake was scolded by Jupiter that he would not be sent on his quest without Maika, and that either a replacement needed to conjure or Maika had to reach out. Jupiter implied however he would not take a replacement, despite giving Jake the option. Jake had tried everything, Skype, Discord, Phone Numbers, His Mother, though that last one was years ago, but Maika Abend was content staying far away from Jake Caloway.


The only problem? They were running out of time, and Jake knew if Maika made him loose this opportunity he would never forgive the boy. Jake had seen and fucked his future self enough times, to know that one day Maika who is a girl in the future for some reason, and him would be married, and closer than ever. But by that point, Jake will be a blonde hypersexual, and all their friends will have died from playing the game.

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