Chapter 22: and then came fleas

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Jake went through a digitization ritual. They then chopped up his astral tale because he had one and by they I mean the gods. Crying and in pain he mimed killing himself again but a splinter formed and was given to Aries. Something became apparently clear Roger no longer existed and with cards on the table thinking she was going easy on him, Feild, Athena and Aries played cards. Feild won, and Aries was mad. They temporarily let the kid- Roger into the mind where they offered him a contract and he said no. He was erased as himself.

He claimed to have fought in "nam" and died and then Feild noticed Aries wrote him back into reality. All Feild had to do was take his place and freeze him on the battlefield so that he didn't die there at least not that way. Then Feild had a bad ptsd flashback at this stupid bar in Woodstock, where he told them crazy off his ass "it's me ya know. From vietnam? I don't expect you to get it" pointing to his head. Then he left a rock in the tip jar.

The owner came by and said "you ever step foot in here again I'll call the cops" thinking Feild was crazy cue flashback end stupid ptsd. So then Nigil his pilot, informed Roger or Cole as he'd be rewritten that Vietnam was a while ago, and the president was no longer Bill Cilnton. The price Feild paid this time? The stupid Biter project and his stupid uh, daydreams for whatever Aries desired. He then imagined his chess game with Athena red and pink pieces, and Aries moved a black one on the board. "Your getting weak. I one used you for once. Your getting soft Vine!" He said walking away and Athena shrugged. "This is why I don't let Alexy play for me stupid zues kids" Nigil snorted. In Feilds mind all the "pilots" existed in a sort of temple. Temple of the dead he called it. Because every Pilot remembered dying. They were taken from all of time and space, different worlds, different timelines, different people.

And there was a chess board where Felix, Feild in the past, and now Nigil played temple chess with her. However given the plays Feild Vine, that this was gona be messier then expected. "Fucking revlatuions" Feild spit as he listened to his dam future idiots theme song cover and fell to sleep meeting Rogers old vet buddies from the alt. Splintered throughout space and time Feild was, splintered throughout space and time.

Then the next day the vets from his canon were still there and Felix gave them the low down about him Feild, Zag, Anabelle Lee, and himself having served in WW2 via time travel shenanigans from earlier chapters. "I had numbers even in his body. They knew what they were signing up for" He explained how he still had ptsd and flashbacks and can't handle gunshots as result of some bar incident, the Vet Serry said him and his friends were heroes, and another vet Cari said they were pussies for not going to serve in person. Feild predicted that Felix would serve IRL, before ww3 when he was a lot older. And Feild also predicted he'd splinter so that Felix wasn't alone. This was all Aries fault! Felix also explained him and Fields strategies during chess. "I like the box split up and he likes the triangle but with hidden pieces but you do wild cards with! He gives those special powers. Dammit Athena check mated me!".

The vets remembered Feild in the alt, but Horse guy according to Feild thought he was full of shit. "Same dam face you wanker!" one of the vets said to Feild.

"Yeah why didn't you fix that?"

"Was I sis?"

"You were in a boys body Jake Caloway"

"Did he have scars on his chest is what he was asking?"

"Yeah two under the pecks"

"He says yep checks out!" Feild said.

"So you disarmed bombs Felix?" the vet Berry asked.

"No I was intel I think. Shitty movie nights and bad reporting on Germans. Again my body my pilot was really racist. Not me clearly Black, but um I watched movies took notes, and reported back on everyone and everything" Felix replied.

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