Chaptr 25: Summer I really don't see how ur the fucking good guy here" - Crooks

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Chapter 25: "Summer I really don't see how your the fucking good guy here" - Crooks

Jake had a weird dream drenched in Scooby-Doo doo coloring. He was time traveling with Felix and Zag again and they went to serve in another fight. They weighted in a first class jet and got scattered again. Caloway was really paranoid about whether or not they were in the right seats "dude I don't think theirs such a thing as Assigned seating were fine" Zagerous said.

And then bam they were all back in time doing shit for thr military and there was some weird stuff between "Shaggy" aka Jake and all the other vessels, and it was government run or they were time agents or something. It ended with Jake in green, easing someone's death dressed in a stupid sailor moon outfit as he passed. Then Jake awoke groggy with his mouth hurting, because again his teeth were rotting out of his mouth checking in with Felix and Zag knowing what went down to be real. Felix was sleeping. Zag was annoyed saying it wasnt real. "Bor you just have freaky dreams" he joke, and Jake knew one day these dreams would be literal.

On occasion the government astral projected into Jake's home, to spy on him and his favorite agents were blue, red, and Agent Smith. They probably thought Caloway was the anitchrist or something hence their note of him Jake would often joke and Smith informed him that one day these trials would be more than dreams, until then however Jake awoke groggy popping 2 advil do to his pain, finishing a whole bottle the night before, worried about Felix. Jake said to Zag. "I don't care if they asked or not. We're helping people. Country or no country. That's all I give a shit about" he said over his railing grabbing his tight undershirt.

Jake had an astral Lulu Godpi and Brano Gospi the siblings from his old highschool Walton, and they talked about his time at Walton among other things. Jake was accused of rape at the school and also recently by Summer and everyone knew it was false because "we knew it was false because after Jake was expelled that was the rumor she said "Jake penetrated me" and we all went. Jake's biology makes it so he can't fucking do that" Sarah Maika's friend said.

"I just don't want to beleive Summer would fasley acuse someone of rape"

"Again, it was in her fucking treatment plan she told Decker to rape her and they had a safe word and then she lied about it to everyone and Summer knows all this and claims the rape play was rape." Maika said nonpulsed and monotone.

"So Summers a fucking liar!" Sarah said.

"Uh no shit Sherlock" Tyler Sunners friend said.

"She was mad that Jake told people Hood her partner raped him claimed she thought it was a false allegation but knew it really happened and now she wants payback it's fuking obvious" Tyler Summers friend said.

"And even if Jake or Decker his pilot really did do that they had a fucking treatment plan where she asked him to and she did engage it mid maturation which violates both Decker and Jake" Summer invoked herself into Jake mid masturbation and he didn't stop her, checked the plan and this was the result.

"So Summer raped him and claimed he did?"

"Almost it was a violation of consent" Maika said.

"In the dreamer's exchange which is Jake biography it literally says he'll be falsely accused of rape I can't believe you all thinks that he- this is a genuine fucking accusation" Sarah said. "Especially because this is the second time Jake's been falsely accused."

Summer then fussed up that she was lying.

"Oh my fucking God Summer!" Tyler jolted.

"What it deserves to be called. Wrong pronouns just like you say I use" Summer gloated.

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