Chapter 11: Mawce

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Chapter 11: Mawce

Jake tried to cut himself in the shower after making a deal with an Orisha to end his life. Bawling and wailing Paster. Hercules Smith's best friend, appeared and Jake really didn't need a satyr crying topless and wailing then he was called into a convention with Marcaba, Crawl, and a few others he couldn't make out. They appeared and consoled him as he explained his ability a superpower he had gained in the real world- called "challenger accepted". The ability allowed him to mimic anyone else's ability and power set by permanent installing them as a personality in brain, usually without consent and permission of the host. Sometimes on accident, sometimes very rarely by choice which Jake had done Only once, with Shinji a bug themed ninja. It was to protect him. That was all. He still tried to make Shinji at home in his mind. All that being said Crawl the night themed vigil anti, and the detective Marcaba talked to him as Jake showed off powers- his abilities and gave exposition as to who he was and what he was doing. Things were out of order and things were complicated. Lucifer joined overhearing his talk of Azazel punishing him in something known as "the white star ritual" which was driving him to sucide. He also met "Pink Arrow" and archer, who "Maroon Arrow" was impeded to. Eventually his alter Zone from the Zone Captor series came forth, and showed off all " his toys" and this cultivated in Brian Jordan and the Green Amulets.

Green Amulets were medallions fueled by thought that created it. He requested Rose show off. Jake refused feeling no need to show off. But Zues interfered he said the chant and created as his first item a horse thing. Great. Good going Jake.

"Really a horse is the first thing you come up with????" Brian was pissed off.

And got upset saying he knew that Green amulets existed but that Jake didn't deserve one until the Green Amulet core, showed his record through holograms.

"We found the most pure soul we could find and it was his. The multiverses are molding. The realities are bleeding over into each other. They'll have real green amulets eventually..."

"I get it his record is super pure but...."

"I mean.....your giving God a green amulet? Wtf" then Jake realized because he didn't know much about DK comics his headcanon was that the amulet could turn from amulet to ring and change color and thus it does now because what you believe about the amulet effects the amulet.

"Jake, you op bitch. You okay? Jordan. Your sweating?" A orange haired Amulet Wrilder said. "Call me george" he winked.

"Fuck that's a pure ass record. The other pilots not so much. We're really labeling this shit did that's not what this. I'm a spiritualist guy myself but this shit is crazy".

Eventually Jake heard talking. Beboy, Crow, and Starflame from a teen superhero group, were talking to Crowl. Crowl it became clear to Jake that there were multiple pilots across the place including his friend Summer. Where vessels were signed up for multiple personalities or pilots and it was called the pilot program. We had tried very hard Jake and I to omit this from this story thus far but at this point it can no longer be ignored. The comic bleeding ink character Beboy explained there was a contract you signed and had the chance to control Jake and other pilots with Jake being the most important one. But- that he left for reasons once being apart of that program. Jake's mind was a temple of the dead and he had all these different peronas. But the personas were alive and breathed. They had feelings and truly believe they were who they thought they were. It was very similar to multiple personalities and in some versions even identicale say for a misnomer of magick. Beboy said he left so did Cy and Starflame. They explained this. As well as his past masks- Ayer Ayer, and all these other gods.

He didn't know who they were talking to. Only that Felix was making commentary. Also they said that in this reality- the person that Jake was, was bad news. In every religion he had been apart of he created the world brought life left then things went bad. He didn't know what the balder or loki shit was about. But he said he wouldn't be surprised if it met the same M.O where he left or died and then things went to shit.

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