15: Closer and Closer I come to the edge, and the realm of dreams awaits me

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Jake hung out with his friends Felix Carpender, Zagerous and his brother Kyle, and Anabelle Lee who wasn't Feilds friend was there for some trippy reason, and Hercules and Paster were outside the car in the rain because Feild didn't like them. Dionysus dyed Feilds hair astrally purple temporarily maturation fantasies aside and Kyle was claimed by Zues and Feild by Cupid, Eros, Hermes, Hades and Aries and Maika was claimed by the goddess of the spring and queen of the underworld Persophone. The kids talked along about stereotypical teen bullshit.

Feild bothered his family about getting him food, reminder Feild has always been fairly chubby, and Zag said he wanted to splinter himself with Feild, as Felix wanted to wait one or 2 days as the angel Casiel took notes on the plan. Feilds mother had an 103 temperature as they all hung out in the car. Then Daren Black Orlean Walker, Varian and Taylor Dilkwood all attacked him and Feild got angry and started lashing out. He imagined their butterflies and shaking them. And scarring their wings, and killing them. Finally a lowa named Ahota who was an aspect of Feild came through and punished his attackers. "That's what the gris gris does" he heard Goruga say. Then Ashota said he passed his test, and Feild was once more desperate to be left alone. One of the attackers "Behto" a sith like man who claimed voodoo was cursed by Ashota to loose his faith something that man planned to do to Feild. Then, Ashota said in a cold and stern voice "let this be a warning, you mess with me you mess with voodoo, the lowa and Jake Callway. Goodluck and good riddance your butterflies will be repaired eventually and red wing over here, will be taken care of I promise you but Field let this be a lesson in gris gris it always goes wrong. Now I was resting back to bed do not call upon me Legba again less it nececary. Goodbye. I love you Feild take care" this lowa was clearly black in race with a fake beard but surprisingly had a skintone that threw Field off.

Feild and the lowa began talking to one of field's aspects "Galoah" who presented as most people would interpret as a racist native caricature but it all served a purpose in her presentation. She "schooled" everybody saying she was a god of racism, and the reason that shit and defense for it existed. Then she asked Jake for help regarding a blue mark on her tribe Feild gave her the man "with the buns" to go to since "it wasn't me this time", and then she said goodbye codename for the tribe: braids. God Feild always naming things, way to be discreet I'm sure no natives know which tribe your referring to this time. Astrally Field had temporarily had long purple hair in a giant wave. Jake decided for this segment of his life if he were to be drawn it would be that way. Physically he still had his scarlet wavy red hair but astrally it was othered. His friends shut up as this happened and were horrified. Feild felt the need to drink which was rare for him. Feild got home and filmed more let's plays. His father Zues told him he'd leave for the city again the 24th his birthday as they left for hibachi on the way home. Jake texted Kop on Line, the sitch, though not mentioning gods and asked for him to help cover for him since he would also be there for hibachi. Zues alerted Feild that it would be messy getting him there and Jake had a stone cold hard feeling Zues was lying about the city being in an alternate reality, he knew for a fact it was here.

Jake then grabbed coffee from his fridge and talked to Raven over the phone app.

"Yall are calling it "dmii" really that's lame"

"I mean it's Orons app and idea-"

"Magick on the code really Jake?"

"Actually going by Feild right now"

"You shouldn't let Dionysus control you like that. Or dress you up like a doll. Jake your "white" or atleast "white-ish" I've left out most of the weird gender and race stuff by request cus your life is just weird but Voodoo really?"

"So as a muse-"

"My dad's very strict about that. While technically that for Apollo and brand new might I add I'm African not Greek even with the jew shit I'm a butterfly Jake it's actually very-"

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