Chapter 6: Hands to Christ

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Jake was stuck all night. The man, the occultist sent by Black was raping Jake. "Stop it!" 

"!" Jake cried, but Daren Black's friend merely took a dark pleasure. Jake was desperate and in his mind heard a voice "save yourself" but he couldn't. He was frozen. So Jake invoked the rapists elderly mother and Daren Black's daughter so they would suffer too, and feel what he was feeling in spirit. Invocation is not usually a punishment but this was Jake Caloway.

The occultist noticed but did not stop, and Jake transferred any pregnancy to Daren's child the seven year old. "Your a good fuck" the occultist said as he got off Jake Caloway. Jake had come to realize that he wasn't the hero of the story. His last attempt at a defense was making an innocent person feel what he was feeling. Granted, Daren Black had killed two soon to be three of Jake's infant kids. 

Jake had only ever reversed his curses rather than go on the offence. But Jake in many people's minds went to far. Jake didn't care though. He decided a mirror curse. From now on Rebecca Black Darens child would feel everything the occultsit arranged for Jake to be put through the good, the bad, the rape, the hitting all of it. Her only crime was being a rapist, murdere, and drug addicts child. But for Jake that was enough.

Jake had to come to realize he wasn't the hero of his story as stated before. He wasn't even a grey morality based antihero. To Jake Caloway he was a villain, but there was nothing Jake could do about that, because people saw what he believed. Looked him in the eye and decided to pick a fight. Being a pacifist wasn't suiting him and Jake was coming to realize that.

Jake was numb to rape at this point. Ghosts people other occultists like tonight on the astral it didn't matter. He never really processed it. He was venting to Peppermint Wings, his Asian pink haired friend whom he had met through Dante, at a coffee shop and they made a joke on line.

"No offense but your life seems like a really badly written wattpad fanfic."

"I know it's just its real though!" Jake began to laugh.

"Like omg I'm a vampire, werewolf princess and everyone at school bullies me!" Peppermint said sarcastically easing into the joke.

"Yeah" Jake smiled. His mind flashed to the image of Ross then back to Peppermint. He hoped he would never loose them.

"I swear. One day"

Jake mediated and talked to Jeromy Smolder later on who he didn't tell about any of this, who had refused to acknowledge the talking to god thing, not out of pain or arrogance but just general vibes and not knowing how to handle that as Jake's token Christian friend.

Jeromy made the joke that Jake fell into stupid tropes with the gods using Hermes as an example. "So you have a shitty memory. Hermes asks you to paint him a canvas that relies on you memorizing your references and you keep forgetting to do it and forgetting the references. Then he punishes you by worsening your memory. Now it's so bad you can't remember any of your former references which you need to complete the piece let alone remembering to do it. Dude I love you but when it comes to the gods you fall into the stupidest tropes with them. It's not that I don't think you know them or can handle them, it's that I worry what that means for you. I worry your gonna get yourself killed"

"But I'm good though" Jake joked doing finger guns.

"Sure" Jeromy said. Finally at night still numb to the rape and moving on as though nothing had happened, Jake spoke to Apollo.

"Tomorrow winds will storm and a pact will be forgiven

Your enemies will be drawn to you in cold blood

You will go viral my/your dreamers exchange

And forever things will change

Still even though

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