Chapter 3: Villain

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Chapter 3: Villain

Kop was a thin Black framed, autsitic friend and ex boyfriend of Jake Caloways. The two had been growing ever closer in times past, with Jeromy off the map, Peppermint missing in action going on adventures with Dant who despite living near Jake barley knew,, and Ross and Eridan missing all completely. "I'm just...." Jake paused. "I'm going through alot. Magical esc adventures. Doing things some people can only dream about. And I feel bad leaving you out of it"

"I mean it's not that bad. Lots of people go through things they can't explain or want to keep private I mean" Kop continued. "I know why you keep it private. You're afraid people won't believe you or think you crazy. And I know everyone you've brought into it left you..for that right?"

"Right" Jake sighed patting his baby pink waistcoat. He normally only wore blues and blacks and on occasion brown, the Japanese fashion style of princehood known as ouji. But today he was meeting Kop in person for the first time at the mall. So he wore a special chord he had ordered accordingly. The boys had been planning this meetup for months. Almost half a year.

"I just feel like I have a huge secret I can't tell anybody about. Like Jeromy. He has issues with his faith. And I'm afraid, that because of me and how I am I will only magnify those issues and I will loose him."

"Jeromies a good person he's not gona leave you and you're not going to loose me either. I know you've lost people. You keep loosing people. But I am not like that and your not gona loose me"

Jake smiled. (They all say that. Everyone he had lost- said the exact same thing).

"Pretty sure I only haven't lost you cus I keep you out of it. And when I do I will....if I do"

"We've known each other for what? Three years?"

"Two I think." Jake said.

"Oh good yeah two. Few" Jake said rationalizing


"Because I normally loose people around the three year mark"

"Like I said your not gona loose me. Magick or no magick"

"Well I have you now that's all I can really ask for"

The day passes and Jake and Kop speak of many things. It honestly meant the world to Jake to see his first online friend in Georgia in person. Kop drove an hour after all. The night concluded with Jake evoking his future self and getting into yet another argument with the soft spoken boy.

"I worship and bow down because I am a submissive person!" He said in his soft spoken voice.

"I hope I never become you. Or anything like you!"

"Well big news jackass! I'm you and I become you!"

"I don't want to worship anything. Have you forgotten you were once a god!"

"You are so egotistical to think that. I am a god. But I am all gods. And I need attention sometimes"

Jake scoffed.

"I hate you"

"I hate you too"

"Get out"

Then Maika appeared, future vision of him who was a she for some reason, and she told Jake his first quest wouldn't be for the Greek gods but rather the Aztec ones. She and Jake's future crew all gathered round, realizing just how true the Dreamer's Saga really was. Everyone asked why Jake Caloway had a "worship poster of himself" to which present Jake stated his room was a devotional temple and anything and everyone within it gave him devotion. Jake wasn't worshiping himself, he was maginiying what he already was.

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