⚠️Caution (PLEASE READ)⚠️

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Hey, the author here.

I just wanna say a couple of things about love, your sweet p.

1. I mean no harm nor shade to anybody in this book. I idolize these people and wish them the best in life. I understand this is FICTION.

2. This is an isolated diary-entry style book. There will be four entries per week.

4. Frequent updates will be made! They will be very long chapters and many many of them. You've. Been. Warned.

5. There are MANY trigger warnings. I will not mention them in every chapter, so I'm going to dump them in this chapter. If you are triggered by any of these topics, DO NOT read this. I would much rather lose a view or a follower rather than you being emotionally screwed. Please get help before it's too late.

- depression

- suicide attempt

- suicidal idealization

- feelings of worthlessness

- brief substance abuse

- overall just really bad mental health in general

I really hope you enjoy this book, everybody!

P.S. Go check out my other book, Une Fleure Fanée, if you want.

love, your sweet pWhere stories live. Discover now