Little Dove {Remus Lupin}

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All around you in Potions class, your peers were gushing to their friends about what their partners got for them or did for them or surprised them with. All while you sat at your desk, reading your book. It brought a sour taste to your mouth. The familiar taste of jealousy. You had never had someone to share the day with. Valentine's Day that is.

You had always been alone on the day. You had never had anyone give you a love letter, send you sweets, plan a date, shower you with compliments, gift you something deep and meaningful. No one had ever even just spent the day with you. With every passing Valentine's Day, your hope of ever experiencing it lessened and lessened.

You turn the page of your book, lowering yourself deeper into your chair, and pulling the book closer so that it was the only thing in your field of vision. If only so you could more fully immerse yourself in the story and force yourself not think on your loneliness on this day of love.

"Hey look! It's a dove," someone shouted behind you. You, along with everyone in the class, look up to see a paper dove flying through the air. You all watched it closely.

Panic and confusion crawled up your throat as it began flying down towards you. You looked around and noticed people watching you. You matched the confused expression on their faces.

The paper dove landed on your desk and a flurry of whispers immediately surrounded you. You sat frozen at your desk, staring down at the dove. When the class realized you weren't going to open it, they went back to their whispering and their gushing. You remained still.

You wondered who had done this. You looked around the classroom but no one was looking at you anymore. Looking back down at the dove, you realize how expertly it was folded. It was quite beautiful— best not to ruin it by opening it and seeing if anything was inside...

It only took a few torturous moments before your resolve broke and your hands darted toward the parchment. It felt pristine in your hands. Not a wrinkle in sight. It had only taken them one try.

You carefully unfolded the parchment as you tried to memorize every fold that was made so you could restore it back to its beauty afterwards. But eventually it got too complicated and you couldn't recall if the wing had been folded right then left or left then right.

When the parchment was completely unfolded, your heart picked up pace as you saw there was indeed writing on it. Your hands gripped the parchment tightly and you immediately winced as the paper crinkled. You shook yourself, trying to loosen the tension in your shoulders. You inhaled deeply, preparing for whatever it said. Then you began to read.

'When I look in your eyes and you look back in mine, everything feels... not quite normal. Because I feel stronger and weaker at the same time. I feel excited and at the same time, terrified. The truth is... I don't know what I feel except I know what kind of man I want to be. The kind of man who someone as great as you deserves.'

A ragged breath left you. It rattled your chest and made your head spin. You read the letter twice, three times, and a couple more. You couldn't believe this was happening. You'd have thought it wasn't meant for you but your name was written at the top clear as day. Then at the bottom it was signed:

Forever yours,
Your secret admirer

It could possibly be a joke. Your heart stuttered and your eyes widened. Of course. It had to be a joke. No one had ever taken an interest in you. Surely you would've caught on to something if someone you knew fancied you. Wouldn't you?

"What do you have there?" Marlene McKinnon's voice called out. You looked up to meet the eyes of your friends. Marlene's arm hung around the shoulders of her girlfriend, Dorcas Meadowes. They walked up your desk, looking between you and the note.

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