Spilled Ink {Hermione Granger}

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Every pair of soulmates had their own way of communicating. Some would be able to look at each other once and just know, others would touch once, others may be able to hear each other's thoughts, or only hear the music they listen to. But for Hermione Granger and her soulmate, they had their own unique way of talking to one another.

Whatever one person drew on their arm, it would also show up on their soulmates skin.

Hermione loathed it with a passion. She hated her skin being inked up and at risk of ink poisoning. She rather enjoyed her skin free of ink. She preferred her arm clean. But she noticed rather quickly that, that was not the case for her soulmate. Her soulmate was rather always doodling on his arm. Whether it was words that would set as reminders or just mindless doodles to showcase his boredom.

And as much as Hermione hated it, she knew if she were to wash it off, it would erase from his skin too. She didn't want to make him forget something and resent her for it. She didn't want to have a terrible relationship with her soulmate before she had even met him. So she dealt with the constant markings on her skin. But she managed to nerved showcase them. She didn't want to show the mess of ink on her arm because like she said, she liked being clean. And maybe she was also nervous to meet him...

The situation for Hermione's soulmate was very different. For instance, he was actually a she. She was also very confident in who she was. She, unlike Hermione, knew that her soulmate was going to be a woman. Another thing was that she didn't mind being dirty. She would always get into something during Care of Magical Creatures, it definitely got messy when her and the twins pranked one another, and she just didn't mind the mess.

She was also quite forgetful and could get bored easily if she wasn't talking with someone. She would usually always go to her arm. The quill hurt like hell but they didn't exactly have muggle pens at Hogwarts. But if she needed to be reminded of something, she would draw it on her arm. If she was bored in class and didn't want the professors catching her doodling on her parchment, she would always just use her arm.

She knew the way to communicate with her soulmate was through writing on her arm and she wasn't scared to admit that she had worried sometimes whether the doodles might've bothered her. Given that when they were just doodles, her soulmate washed them off rather quickly. But she always kept the notes. And that warmed her heart a bit. She thought about stopping the doodles sometimes too. She worried that the constant markings would cause her soulmate to hate her before they had even met. But it had become a hard habit and as much as she tried, she wasn't having much luck breaking it.

She also knew that if she wanted, she could try and... talk with her soulmate. She wasn't sure if the girl would even answer her considering her soulmate has never drawn anything on her arm. But maybe... she had never tried to talk to her soulmate because she was nervous.

She was currently doodling on her arm as Luna read the latest quibbler. Her and Luna were close. They had become friends in second year and hadn't spent much time without the other since. Though she didn't totally understand Luna or all that she said sometimes, they had managed a close friendship that both of them treasured. They didn't even have to talk or do something together. They usually spend time together doing separate things. But they were together and that's all that mattered to them. She also realized that people tended to make fun of Luna less when she was around.

"What're you doing?" Luna asked as she looked up from the paper. Her head snapped up to look at her friend as her quill-filled hand dangled over her arm. She looked between her friend and the quill.

"Debating whether or not I want to try and communicate with my soulmate," she says nervously. Luna slightly raises a brow.

"Haven't you already? I see you writing on your arm all the time, despite how much I tell you it's bad for you," Luna says softly. She bites her lip and throws the quill to the side.

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