☔︎︎Chapter 25: Forgetting You ☔︎︎

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Play forever Winter by Taylor Swift for this chapter

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Play forever Winter by Taylor Swift for this chapter

We were standing in the hallway of the government building, we were going to meet Dubcek today. He is the leader of our whole mission, it is to him that we report back to and it is to him that we answer.

We all put on our best clothes today, it's not every day students get to set foot in government territory. Poor Anthony Novotny, he has no clue what's about to hit him. He has no idea that betrayal is right at his doorstep. Because the second Dubcek takes over things for Prague are going to change.

Niklaus has been on edge all morning, more than usual and that's saying a lot. When Blythe left he kept to himself for a solid two weeks before he was able to hold conversations with us. He wore a grey suit that matched his eyes, there wasn't a woman in sight who hadn't attempted to jump his bones in the last hour.

"Hey, Martina?" I asked because she sat next to me,

"Hey reject." She responds wickedly and I shove her shoulder,

"Does Niklaus have something against this Dubcek man?" I ask her and even she narrows her eyes in scrutiny,

"He's never has taken a liking to him." She tells me, "but then again when does he take a liking to anyone."

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