☔︎︎Chapter 27: The secret Diary☔︎︎

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"Hi." I smiled standing awkwardly by the door, "what are you writing?"

"My evil scheme to take over the world." He responds sarcastically pulling up a chair for me. "Come, sit."

"You're hilarious," I respond with equal amounts of sarcasm but I instead sit down on his lap dangling my hands over his neck.

"Thanks, it's the trauma." He agrees with a grin and I place my hand on his cheek warmly.

"Don't talk like that." I warn him, "you're such a baby."

"A baby?" He repeated shifting me over so my legs were now on either side of him and I was facing him directly.

"What dark past could a pretty rich boy like you possibly have?" I ask instead swallowing hard and avoiding his advances.

"The kind that never leaves you." He reckoned, "in case you cannot tell I am the human embodiment of the term abandonment issues."

I laugh then cup my hand over my mouth to stop myself, which makes him laugh too. "Sorry!"

"It's okay it was a joke you can laugh dear." He assured me, "you know you never talk about your family."

"Neither do you." I defend folding my lips into a line,

"Let's change that." He suggests, "tell me about your family."

I contemplate doing this, letting him into my heart, but I knew that from the way he was looking at me that he wasn't going to let this go. So I decided it was best to filter my truth, so that it was still mine but not detailed enough to expose my identity.

"I have three brothers, my mother is Congolese and my father is Russian. He was always very hard on us to succeed because he himself is an overachiever as we're his fathers. My brothers are my best friends and I can't imagine my life without them, my eldest brother is stationed in the army at the Berlin Wall as I told you. I am Nadya, I am my mother's daughter, I have her eyes, her lips and her nose but the heart that fights for freedom from the cages of my ribs is all my father's. I carry his pride, his resilience, therefore despite our strained relationship I can never truly escape him because he lives in me." I explain to him.

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