☔︎︎Chapter 41: Mother Dearest☔︎︎

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Firstly, thank you so much for 100K I'm so happy, thank you for looking at my words and seeing great meaning

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Firstly, thank you so much for 100K I'm so happy, thank you for looking at my words and seeing great meaning.

I'm travelling back in time.

I sit on the armchair in front of Niklaus's mother because she won't let me leave until she talks to me. The more I stare at Constance Novak, previously Vlacov the more I realize just how much she resembles her son, in a manner that makes it almost impossible for me to feel any ill feelings towards her. How can I look into her eyes
eyes that have bathed me in sunlight in the dead of winter and deny her anything she asks? Impossible.

She scopes the length of my body up and down, almost as if she's analyzing me and attempting to deem me worthy of her approval. She folds her arms and purses her lips.

"What is it you want with my son?" She asks me bitterly,

"What does any woman desire with any man?" I ask her sitting up confidently in my seat, "to be seen, to be adored and cared for."

"Does the man you saw here who broke down at the drop of a hat seem like he's capable of caring for any woman right now?" She asks me,

"Niklaus has so much care in his good heart, so much love to give, infinities of it. And if you knew him well enough you would know that Miss Novak." I express to her, from woman to woman.

"Know him well enough?" She scoffs, "I spent four hours in labour birthing him from my very body, I taught him how to walk, how to talk and you dare insinuate that I do not know my own son?"

"What's his favourite food?" I ask her and she seems puzzled by my question, a twinge of humour spreads across my lips, "what's his favourite song?"

"I haven't any time for your foolish questions-" she mutters waving me off almost as if she's realizing at this moment that my words are true.

"You tore this locket off of his neck." I say feeling the lump in my throat begin to grow again at the pain I saw across his face, "that hurt him, you know that right, you know that that was cruel?"

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