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"Hey get back here!" She could hear the stomp of policemen's feet trail after her as she zipped ahead of them, gripping the reward she had so cleverly stolen for herself. She dodged between passers by as they raced towards her in an irritated fury. The police force knew her by name and face, Sisu was a teenaged petty thief. For years they have been trying to track her down and put her away but she was too fast for them. What fools, no one could catch the slippery Sisu. Even when they had luck catching her, she found ways to escape. She was never in their grasp for long. She laughed, sprinting forwards, her pale pink locks dancing in the wind. She ducked into an alley and then quickly turned a corner the other way, diving into an open window of an abandoned building. She heard the footsteps race past her, ah yes. Outsmarted once again! Sisu giggled to herself as she took a breath from all that running. She pulled out the hard earned items out of her bag and wandered into her kitchen to get something but she didn't get too far, "Oof!" She fell to the floor and looked up to see the one person who she ever would let see where she hid.

"You know there's this thing called knocking-"

"What did you steal this time?" The deep voice asked.

"Thieves don't share, they take." She stood up and dusted off her stolen, oversized black hoodie. She looked up at his electric blue eyes, "If you really want to know, it's over there." She moved her head to the items on the table.

The large figure moved to it and looked at what she had taken, some food, a couple of shirts and a brand new pair of shoes. He shook his head, "I'll bring back everything but the food." He started picking up the other items but she stopped him, "What the hell?! You can't do that. I need all of that."

"Do you want me to out your little hiding place, Sisu?!" He said with a mighty voice that even echoed a little in the alley.

"Do you want me to out your little secret?! What would people think when I tell everyone that the number one hero is actually a skeleton in a skin suit." She crossed her arms, looking at him defiantly.

He threw the items down on the table and faced her, "They would never believe you anyways." He said aggressively, blood dripping from his lip.

"You sure about that, dribble boy?" She took a tissue from her hoodie pocket and wiped his mouth. He snatched the tissue from her and threw it down.

"Fine." He sighed angrily.

"All Might is touchy today." She tut tutted. Sisu and All Might had a complicated friendship, not even a friendship...more of an unfortunate acquaintanceship. Ever since she ran away when she was twelve, she did everything to make money, there was nothing that could bring her back to her home. Nothing. One day he passed her on the streets and he looked at her, giving her all the money in his wallet. He knew fairly well that the children in Tokyo had their reasons to not go back to their homes. Sometimes going home was worse. That one kind act Sisu never forgot and for the last three years of her life, it became a tradition. All Might would pass her on the same corner, give her money and then go about his way.

Sisu made the terrible decision to follow him one day and found out his secret, it frightened her at first but the look on his face...such burnt out misery when he poofed into that frail figure. He wasn't even angry when he saw her watching. He said nothing as she ran away in fear of the strange man hidden underneath that mighty figure.

After that he never visited her on the street again, too ashamed to face her. Better to leave the situation alone, how would a twelve year old understand that?

It was when she grew older that their paths crossed forcibly, she was quickly becoming known as the one and only uncatchable thief in Tokyo. Knowing she wouldn't be obedient to anyone else, he made sure that he caught her before anyone else did in secret.

"You have to stop this, Sisu." All Might told her sternly.

"Aww." She made a fake sad face. "What? You going to rescue me Toshinori?"

"Oh my God..." he paced the small room that she had acquired. "You're ridiculous, Sisu." He fumed. Sisu pushed his buttons all of the time, she loved to see that vein in his forehead pop out, she named it Pepe just to annoy him.

"You want to carry me out of a burning building, Toshi?" She asked, pushing further. All Might looked at her strangely. "What? I'm just saying if you need the pizzaz, I got you. I got the matches, bing bang boom...literally, you're in the front page of the Tokyo Times. How does that sound Toshi?" She crossed her arms, amused by his irritation. He was so easy to play with.

"Do you realize the stress you are putting on the police force? Some of them are my friends." He growled.

"You have other friends?" She looked at him with her silver eyes, pretending to look wounded. "All Might I feel betrayed." She put an offended hand to her chest.

"You don't take into consideration that I have to lie to my friends to keep you safe!" He shouted at her. She didn't bat an eyelash, she merely looked up and smiled, "There's Pepe!" She poked the vein on his forehead.

All Might suppressed a smile down, she was funny sometimes but if he let her know that she would just get worse. "Sisu. This is serious. Stop stealing. One day you're going to steal from the wrong person."

Sisu giggled and held up his wallet, "Did I do it yet?" She asked. All Might snatched his wallet back and checked the contents. Sisu sat down on one of her many stolen trophies, a huge bean bag. All Might was still amazed how she stole that without anyone noticing. "Relax, I do that to you all the time and everything is there. You should know I don't steal from you."

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