Chapter Thirty-Six

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Two months later

Eddie and I have been back from our honeymoon for a month now, and I'm just about five and a half months pregnant.

The Theory of Everything has its premiere in two weeks, and I've already picked out my dress.

Eddie has tried to convince me not to go, but I insist I have to go as his new, pregnant wife. But we joke about it now. The public doesn't know I'm pregnant, so I'm showing up to the premiere almost six months pregnant. God only knows how they're going to react.

When the day of the premiere rolls around, I have major morning sickness. I don't even get out of bed until noon when Kate comes to the house to get me ready.

"Alice." Eddie says, waking me up. "You don't have to go today."

I sit up with his assistance, my hand at the top of my bump. "No, I'm going. I feel better."


"I'm fine." I insist, standing up and walking downstairs.

Kate has set herself up in the living room like usual, smiling at me as I enter. "Hello Alice! How's married life suiting you?"

"I've only been married for two months." I say, hugging her back. "But it's great."

Since I decide just to do a bun, this shouldn't take that long. "Don't do it too tight. I want it to stay, but I don't want a headache."

"Aye aye captain." She replies.

Eddie eventually comes to sit in front of us and starts watching tv. "Eddie, can I ask you a question?"

"Of course." He says, turning to look at me.

"Since you're done with this movie, what are you gonna do with all the Stephen Hawking crap?" I giggle.

"No clue." He shrugs.

It doesn't take long for Kate to do my hair and she does my normal natural makeup before we go to the bathroom so I can get into my dress.

The bodice cuts off right above my stomach, so the fabric flows right down my stomach to accentuate my bump. "You look amazingly perfect." Kate says, kissing my cheek. She hands me my shoes and my clutch before cleaning her things up and leaving.

I go upstairs to help Eddie finish getting ready for, tying his tie for him as usual. After we're both ready, Eddie assists me in putting my shoes on, and I kiss his cheek.

"Beautiful, as usual." Eddie says, leading me out the door.

When we arrive at the carpet, everyone goes crazy at the sight of me. Of course Eddie and I shake it off and continue walking. Felicity and I meet up and fool around on the carpet, making faces at the photographers.

The movie was absolutely stunning, and Eddie portrayed the character amazingly. I see an Oscar in his future.

"Eddie, that was amazing!" I shriek as we walk out of the theater.

"You said that three times already." Eddie chuckles, kissing my temple.

"But it was magnificent!" I shout as we start heading home. "But I'm exhausted and I really just wanna go to sleep."

"Do you feel okay?" Eddie asks, placing his hand on top of my stomach.

"I feel fine. I'm just tired." I mumble, resting my head on his shoulder.

When we get home, I change out of my dress, shower, and jump right into bed.

The premiere for Phantom is in two weeks, so Eddie and I have two more weeks of silence before things get chaotic again. Interviews and press and running around to fulfill commitments. And that gets harder when your almost six months pregnant.

A few days later, Eddie and I decide to have a lazy day and watch a few movies. After watching Les Misérables, Toy Story, and Finding Nemo, we decide to watch Tangled.

But then, something miraculous happens during I See The Light. I didn't know why it was at first, but Eddie reacted immediately. His hands had been resting on my stomach, and he turned to look at me.

"Alice." He whispers.

"The baby's kicking." I whisper back, placing my hands on top of his.

"This is amazing." He says back, kissing my stomach before kissing my lips. "Everything does happen during this song, doesn't it?" I giggle, though my eyes are welling up with tears.

"It is our song." Eddie says. "I love both of you so, so much."

"We love you too so, so much." I say, resting my head on his shoulder.

Throughout these two months, I've been posting pictures on Instagram about the progression of my pregnancy. So I take a selfie of us with the caption baby's first kicks.

Within seconds, I had thousands of comments and texts blowing up my phone. And Eddie and I both had phone calls from our mothers.

After talking with them for a half hour, we hung up and returned to our movie. Things couldn't get any better.

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