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He stepped on the steps, returned to the second floor, and sat down on the top floor.

The figure dragged on the ground alone for a long time.

Jin Zhao stared at the flowers on the window sill that grew well and even extended the branches and vines into the room, but there was a gloomy color between his eyebrows.

A sinister and terrifying monster like him is not qualified to contaminate these flowers. But there are always people who are qualified.

Some people seem to be standing in the sun and getting all the blessings and love, but they are still not enough, they are still not satisfied, and they have to take away the last thing he covets-something that shudders when he just touches it.

He is jealous.

This is not the emotion that should appear in him.

Just like the admiral's hugs, food, ointments, and kindness, those are not things that should be given to him.

He has been crawling under the abyss for a long time, and he has had too many nightmares. He didn't expect anyone to be able to stretch out a hand and pull him out for a long time.

But the lifeline suddenly appeared before his eyes, and he still wanted to seize it, even if the struggling look was ugly and ridiculous, and he was extremely greedy.

He has got something he has never had before and has no hope of. He should be satisfied, but he cannot. He couldn't be satisfied. He wanted more-from that person.


After drinking a cup of tea, I haven't seen the protagonist come back, so I can't help but go out.

As soon as I went out, I saw the protagonist sitting in the corridor at the end of the corridor, motionless.

I don't know if it was the illusion of Rong Wan, the golden warm sunlight shone in from the window, but it couldn't fall on the protagonist.

The protagonist's back looks dark and gloomy, as if he will drag the people around him into the abyss at any time.

The protagonist quickly noticed the movement behind him, turned his head to take a look, and the moment his gaze fell on Rong Wan, the sense of gloom disappeared inexplicably and wonderfully.

He stood up and walked towards Rong Wan. Rong Wan suppressed the trance in his heart for a moment, and pointed to the room: "Come here and help me copy the book. ”

All he put on the table were some floor plans provided by the system and the shift times of the royal guards.

The royal regulations were cumbersome.

These things were put together in a thick stack. I didn't know how to understand the content of the words in this world, so I couldn't help but have two big heads.

He wants the protagonist to remember these things, and after he gets the pass, he can get the things that belong to him smoothly.

But it can't be made clear, it can only be remembered by the protagonist in this way.

He believes that the protagonist is smart enough. Sure enough, the first moment the protagonist's gaze swept to the drawings, the expression in his dark eyes changed slightly, but he quickly adjusted and changed back to his original appearance.

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