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It took them only a few hours the next morning to find the facility where Freak was being kept. It was a large place on a closed off road up the mountain, overlooking the sea. The mutant they had sent back home to America had told them what to look for before he went to board the plane.

Snow looked through binoculars at the building and the fencing around it. He could visualize how they'd get in, but in the moment, he felt like anything could go wrong during their rescue mission.

Nicholas clapped him on the shoulder, making him jump.

"Let's get this over with, shall we?"

Snow sighed.

"I guess."

He followed Nicholas over to the water pipe and placed his hands on it. He closed his eyes and found all the anger in his heart, bringing it up to the surface. It bubbled and boiled, then the blood in his veins went cold. His hairs stood on end and he let out a grunt, slamming his palms into the pipe.

When he opened his eyes, frost was running down the length of the pipe and when the water pressure began building and erupting out of little fissures, they sprayed into the air and froze in place, creating large sharp spikes. Nicholas stared at the scene with eyes as round as saucers. He blinked rapidly and looked at Snow.


Snow rolled his eyes.

"Let's hurry up and go."

"Yeah, yeah..."
The two went around to the other side of the building where they had cut a hole in the fencing, out of the line of sight of a camera. They ducked through and waited for the door to open, and...

The guards came running out of the building, Snow catching the door and keeping it open while Nicholas hid in a crouch behind him. When the last guard left the building, the two slipped inside. Snow barred the exit, then went into the security room to look at the cameras for Freak. They had to be monitoring him, right? The mutant kid had said he was sick...

"Whatever you're doing, you need to hurry it up, Snow."


"Our friends are back..."

Snow gasped when he heard banging on the door from outside. He found the boy when one of the cameras switched over a moment later.

"Room three o' three!"

Snow ran from the security room and headed to the stairwell with Nicholas on his tail. He pulled his gun from his waistband when he reached the third floor and pointed it at the first scientist he saw. Or it could've been a doctor... Either way, they wore a white coat and they weren't going to have him again. They weren't going to stop him.

"You're going to take me to room three o' three and you're going to uncuff my friend. You understand?"

She gulped and raised her hands in surrender.


Snow watched as the woman began uncuffing Freak and removing the IV's, replacing them with bandages. When she stepped back, Snow used the butt of his gun to knock her unconscious. He went to the window and opened it to the firescape, then walked over to the boy's side. He flipped a switch on the gun and pulled out the magazine, then pointed the weapon at Freak's ear, pulling the trigger. It fired a high pitched sound that was deaf to everyone but the monster resting in the kid's brain. Snow lowered the gun, put the magazine back, then flipped the switch back and waited. It took a few minutes before Snow saw the pink goo oozing from Freak's ear. Nicholas looked at Freak and Snow from the door where he was keeping watch.

"Come on! We don't have time, Snow."

"I know, I know."

Snow grabbed some tweezers and picked the thing out of Freak's ear, then hoisted him into his arms and went out the window. As soon as he did, he heard Nicholas firing his weapon.

"Go! Hurry, go!"

Snow ran down the steps, skipping over some and eventually dropping down to the ground level. Guards began running after him and he gasped.


The Creeps (Sequel to The Weirdos)Where stories live. Discover now